RE: taking out garbage nude

I like to do this also, my trash cans are on the side of the house, and the neighbors house window is right there, but most of the time the blinds are drawn so I almost always take the trash from the house to the bins while nude, day or night. The trick is getting to the curb and back. If I am up early, say 5 am I will do this however there are several other early risers and dog walkers so I need to be mindful of the situation. I cant say I have been seen doing this, but I am often nude in my backyard and I am sure the neighbors have seen me there.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

It's freezing outside ... but I did it anyway! hahaha
Gotta bring my car up on the driveway. I'll be heading out soon to do that naked but I'll be running to the car ... it's freezing out there! hahaha

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RE: taking out garbage nude

My backyard is fully fenced in so taking the garbage out nude is no problem.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

My backyard is fully fenced in so taking the garbage out nude is no problem.Mine is too. The only problem at this time of year is the bitter cold - so I have to be quick. Fortunately the bin is near the back door. It takes a bit longer doing the recycling, crushing all the beer cans. Still no point in covering up. It's my feet that get the coldest on the stone slabs.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Housework, yard work ... it matters not, we are naked whenever possible. It's how we "live." Ironically ... as I type, we are awaiting my dad and his friend and his friend's wife's arrival for lunch. Nude up until the last minute for me but I was out back cleaning up the back yard, patio and doing it in the nude. I was busy working away and caught a glimpse of our female neighbor peeking out one of the upstairs windows. Not sure how long she'd been there but I now know for sure that she's seen me naked in the backyard! hahahaha

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Living in Florida, I can take garbage out nude all year long. Not only taking garbage, I clean up my dogs messes and recycling nude as well. Have been caught by neighbors, but they never said anything about it, so I continue to work naked outdoors. I also now the back yard naked.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Well, I have been living here in my apartment building now for a little over 2 years. During this time I have gotten bolder. Besides regularly checking my mailbox on the first floor, I live on the second, I have only been caught once, and that was about 2 years ago (last post on subject). Late at night I have arrived coming from clothing optional events, or just returning from a weekend trip (I drive nude on these long trips all the time) and if the coast looks clear, I get out of my car and walk to my building nude, open the front lobby door (no doorman, but there is a buzzer or ringer that sounds when you turn your key to free the door) and then walk up to my apartment, checking the mail along the way. Never been caught doing that yet.
I have also on a couple of occasions made it to the basement where the washers and dryers are as well as the garbage bins to get rid of my garbage. Now to do that I have to go downstairs , past the A wing mailboxes to the main lobby, walk past the big glass doors, up a couple of steps to walk thru the ground floor of B wing (about 8 apartments on ground floor of B wing), then down about 4 steps to go out the side door to the alleyway and head towards the street (fire escape above the alley right over basement steps down to basement door), turn an go down the steps and unlock the basement door. then dump my various bags into the proper bins (regular garbage, paper, glass, cans and plastic). I usually will walk around some once I am there before heading all the way back thru the alley, B wing and then upstairs in my A wing to my apartment on the 2nd floor. Almost got caught with a couple of girls hanging out on the fire escape outside their apartment, but don't think they looked down and saw me, or at least didn't say anything to make me think they did see me.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Weather is warm in FL now and did all my chores naked yesterday. Tore down a small shed, cleaned out trash bins, mowed backyard and cleaned inside if nude! What a GREAT feeling. Also, I just picked up my morning paper from front yard naked. Neighbor lady just walked by and didn't even look back too notice. Sooo much fun go be outdoors naked. I'm just about to clean my backyard fog messes, naked, then shaving balls and asscrack in backyard.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

I do all the things you do and more. I always take out the garbage, pickup the morning newspaper, wash my car completely nude in the driveway. I never wear clothes at home, the only time I put something on is when I go out shopping. Living in Florida allows me to live nude most of the year with the exception of a few cold

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Can't say that I can take out the trash nude. Our can is on the side of the house toward the front. All my nude chores are done in the backyard.So move your trash can into your backyard

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