taking out garbage nude

i always clean the house in the nude, i strip the beds and start them in the washer and than dust and vacuum, than i work on the kitchen and gather up all the garbage from the trash can since the garbage truck cmes the next day and put them at the door, finally the bathroom is clean and the trash needs to go out and since i am hot and sweaty i hate to get dressed so i will usually look out and if everyone appears to be at work and school i will gather the trash to the garbage can nude, the other day went well but a few weeks ago i had made it to the can and was back on the porch when the mailcarrier had come up into the cul de sac - luckily i have a picket fence on the front porch and the most she could see was me topless and maybe some skin between the pickets, a few months ago the neighbor to the left had came out to check her mail and saw me but she was only wearing a nightgown so she just waved as i stepped back toward the front door. i still believe that if you are on your property you should be allowed to be nude and common sense would tell you not to be out front flashing people especially kids but taking trash out or getting the mail, and of couse the backyard should be your paradise to roam nude and free.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

The garbage bin is along the side of our attached garage, so I'll sometimes stay nude as I take the garbage bags out to it iif it's late at night. There's a tree covering quite a bit of that corner of the garage, so as long as a cop car isn't driving by at exactly the wrong time or the neighbors don't happen to look out a side window (quite unlikely if it's 1 AM) it's a nice time to enjoy a few moments outside in the night air. Only thing I have to remember to do is turn off the motion sensor light over the garage door!

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RE: taking out garbage nude

I do the same things. Much more comfortable to clean house in the nude. I've taken the garbage out to the container or the curb in the buff. But only late at night when no-one should be able to see me. Lately I've taken the new puppy out into the backyard late at night on leash, a 4lb yorkie who could get under the fence easily. It's great to feel the cool night air on skin.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

it would be great to live in a society that being nude in your yard as long as you weren't being obscene was legal, i hate to think that i have to look around to see if the neighborhood is quiet before i go nude out to the garbabe or anything else. your yard should be your sanctuary !

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RE: taking out garbage nude

it would be great to live in a society that being nude in your yard as long as you weren't being obscene was legal, i hate to think that i have to look around to see if the neighborhood is quiet before i go nude out to the garbabe or anything else. your yard should be your sanctuary !Mine is. Maybe we have different laws here in the UK. My "yard" is very well screened too. We just don't have the wearther for outdoor nudity here just now. Brrrr.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

unfortunetly i can't do much about the front yard the barrier of my back yard i'm growing leyland cypress trees 36 to be exact and in a few years it will be my eden and i will be able to be nude out back even cutting the grass.
oh and we have been lucky here it's like indian summer in the winter time 60f most days, yes a little cold at night...

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RE: taking out garbage nude

I take the garbage bags out to the front every meek! Unless its freezing cold, I have been doing this task in the nude for years! I live on a very quiet street and have only been seen a couple times! I enjoy the challenge of not getting caught and a neighbor lady seems to enjoy my antics!

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RE: taking out garbage nude

ok i was kinda a whimp , the other day house cleaning i got the trash to the door and it was a little cold and rain outside and thought about going out nude but the garbage can had to go to the curb so decided better put on a t-shirt that would cover my nude butt (barely) but good thing i did i could feel the goose bumps going up my legs to my butt and elsewhere and shrinkage acurring so i guess a shirt was a good idea.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

I live in an apartment on the 4th floor. On each floor we have a garbage duct to dispose garbage. I do this activity usually late in the evenings after I finish all my regular house work. Usually late evenings I am all alone out of my apartment so its easy to go out naked but still have been caught a couple of times by my neighbors. At one night, while I was disposing the garbage naked. It was almost 11 PM in the night. I was naked and totally unaware that the lift stopped on the floor and two men and a lady came out of the life standing very close to me. They stopped, looked at me and laughed and said something in their broken english which I barely understood, then left for their apartment. I guess they were the tenants or guests there.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

Can't do garbage since in my apartment building I have to go down to thefirst floor (live on second in A wing), cross the lobby to B wing and out the side door there to then go down to the basement just to take the garbage out and retrace those steps (but would love to try it). But I have gone down the stairs (no elevator) to the first floor to get my mail from the A wing mailbox rack totally nude (1 AM). On my way back up the stairs, two female tenants from the third or fourth floor came down the stairs just as I was going back up and turning on the mid landing. They looked at me, then at each other and smiled. One grabbed and squeezed a cheek of my ass as I stepped to on side to pass by. Listened to the giggling as they headed for the door. They smile every time we see each other in the halls or outside since.

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RE: taking out garbage nude

This chore, done naked ... like all other chores done here, has become so second nature that it's extremely rare that the trash is ever taken out to the trash bins or trash bins to the curb and I'm completely clothed. Our trash bins are in the backyard, on the side of the house. Rain, sleet, snow, dead of summer ... I always take the trash out the back door and around to the side of the house, in the nude.
Trash pick up each week is usually early in the morning.In the cooler months of the year, our street seems to retire around 10 pm. It's a pretty safe bet that I could take our bins to the curb after 10 pm and be completely nude but I've only done that severaltimes. I wear an unbuttonedflannel shirt or the baseball jersey to take the bins to the curb.On occasion, I'll wear my robe and be able to keep it unbuttoned while I do this chore.
Summer months ... I wait until 11:30 pm or later and I've beenable to take the bins out completely naked. As I stated ... I've done this several times and since it's possible and I've done it, I don't risk it as much as I did in the past. It's more of "if the mood strikes me," action. I'll be working in the backyard, it's late and I need to take the trash out. It's late enough to do it naked, I don't want to come back inside and grab a shirt so ... I make sure the coast is clear and take the three bins to the curb. There have been a couple of times that a vehicle has approached but I have time to walk behind my car on the driveway or just stand behind the trash can. They couldn't tell if I was naked or just wearing shorts. ;-)

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