RE: Nude in Dream

I was traveling in a crowded metro. wearing a silky sarong. While getting down, the sarong got stuck in crowd and I came out nude. But it was so crowded that I was covered with people's body and was relieved that no body could see me. But slowly the crowd started thinning.
And at one point I was fully exposed, people could see me.
But my surprise, no one was I felt very happy and relaxed......

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RE: Nude in Dream

That's a very nice dream!
I've had dreams about being naked around clothed people, but don't currently remember any details.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I had a dream last night where I woke up in a very large bed, much much bigger than a king size bed and no bed covers. I was lying there with more than 50 men around meand we were naturally all naked and the men were from many different nationalities. Everyone was sleepy and gently touching the people around them. It was nice.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I was walking through a jungle naked and it was so lush and the birds were singing and they looked so colourful. As I walked further into the jungle I could hear some noises, like people talking. As I got closer I could see a tribe of native people, all nude, and doing their daily choirs. I wasn't scared when I saw them but I was a bit hesitant, so I was just crouching down looking at them through the trees.Then soonI felt as though their was someone standing behind me and when I looked around there was a tall, naked, strong looking man smiling at me. He looked like a Native American Indian and he gestured for me to go to their village ahead which I did. When I arrived with him, some other villagers were staring at me - as I was a white man and also circumcised. I sat down with some of the other villagers and they offered me some food and water. We couldn't speak the same language, but I felt comfortable being there.As I sat there drinking some water, a young man, of about 20 years of age, came over to me with two horses. He pointed to me and then to the horse, as if to say get on and lets go for a ride, which I did. I followed the young man on the horse towards a path which then led to a wide open field. When we approached the field , he hit my horse on the side which made it gallop. I had never been on a horse naked before and without a saddle. As we were galloping through the field, I could feel my manly parts being tossed around and I was quite aroused. At the end of the field we slowed down before entering the next path and he looked at me and my erection. I was a bit embarrassed, but then he laughed and I noticed that he was also aroused. We slowly rode the horses down the next path and the trees looked so green, the air was so crisp and the sound of birds singing wasso magical. The young man was on his horse just in front of me. I looked at his well toned body and noticed the sunlight reflecting off the drops of sweat that was trickling down his back towards his buttocks. He turned his head around and briefly looked at me with a smile, as if he could sense that I had been looking at his back and buttocks.When we got to the end of the path, it opened up to the most beautiful beach I have ever seen. The water was so calm and a beautiful turquoise colour and the sand was so white. We both got off our horses and ran to the water where we played like kids. Splashing each other and then throwing each other around in the water. Then suddenly we stopped and we had our hands on each others hips looking at each other, our bodies were touching each othersand it felt so nice. He then touched my chest and I touched his lips, and we looked at each other and smiled. I could feel the warmth of the sun all over my body and looking at thisperson in this place; I felt like I was in heaven.We went back to thebeach and then laid on the sand, looking up to the sky. While I was looking at the sky, I then turned and looked at him as he laid next to me,and we both smiled at each other. Although we couldn't speak the same language, we certainly could understand each other. I felt so at peace in this place.

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RE: Nude in Dream

The dream is erotically spiritual...loved it.

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RE: Nude in Dream was a lovely dream..I woke up feeling good....

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RE: Nude in Dream

It was good reading the posts in this thread about dreams of other nudists. I enjoyed much.
I have seen myself naked in many of my dreams, I have seen many of my nudists friends also naked in my dreams, but usually I do not tend to remember the details of the dream in the morning. Only I remember blurred images which eventually disappear as the day progresses.

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RE: Nude in Dream

It was good reading the posts in this thread about dreams of other nudists. I enjoyed much.I have seen myself naked in many of my dreams, I have seen many of my nudists friends also naked in my dreams, but usually I do not tend to remember the details of the dream in the morning. Only I remember blurred images which eventually disappear as the day progresses.hi Df, just try to remember and pen down what ever remains in your mind in the morning. Gradually u will find that you are able to remember most of your dream. It is one of the best way to get connected with your own sub conscious state of it helps in many way...u will be more congruent and reflective individual.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I always sleep naked, so perhaps that is why I am always nude in dream. Last night I dream't that I was at my favourite beach and all alone. It was summer and as usual I took off my clothes and put my towel on the sand. The water was not calm this time and there were some waves. I walked towards the ocean to have a swim and felt the wateras it flowedbetween my legs as I swam towards the waves. It is my favourite beach, and my secret beach, close to 2 hours drive from Melbourne , Australia. I swam with the waves and it was so magical; the sun shining, blue crystal waters and the white sand ahead of me. As I was swimming, all I thought about was happiness, peace and tranquility. I didn't think of work or any problems or stress in my life; I felt free and so in touch with nature. Then as I was swimming. I felt something touch the side of my leg and ass...I was a bit scared naturally and looked around. I saw a fin of a largefish and at first thought it was a shark, but at a closer look realized it was not a shark but a dolphin, whichI could tell by the shape of the fin.I then felt calm and again swam with the waves towards the beach. And as I did this, so did the dolphin as if he was my friend and playmate. When I reached the shore , I swam back towards the waves and over the waves and then l floated in the water with the sun on my face and torso. The dolphin was imitating me which was quite amusing, by laying on his back and enjoying the sun in the water..But now it was time to body surf again with the waves and I could see my dolphin friend quite eager to play. But as I rode the wave , I not only saw my dolphin friend but also about another 100 dolphins riding the waves and having fun. This brought such a smile to my face. So in touch with nature and the universe. These creatures of earth are truly amazing.Getting tired , yet exhilarated, I went to the beach and lay on the sand. The sun warming me and the sky was so blue. I looked at the dolphins playing in the water and then looked at the sky. Life is so good. I slept on the beach for a while andwith the warmth of the sun and sand on my body , I was naturally aroused ,and had an erection when I woke up. But this felt so normal.I was not shy with the erection nor embarrassed. Then some people were walking a long the beach and looked at me with a hard on. I told them how I was swimming with the dolphins all alone on this beach on such a beautiful day. How could one not be aroused by the beauty of the universe.

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RE: Nude in Dream

I was on a bus fully clothed and the bus was full. It was a hot day and the bus was travelling along a long road in the countryside. I fell asleep on the bus as i felt the suns warmth on my face through the bus window. When I woke up we were all naked, even the bus driver. The bus then drove through a bumpy windy road and then I had an erection and i noticed that other men also had erections. I tried to control it but couldn't. Then the man next to me looked and smiled as if everything was normal.....and it was...I enjoyed that bus ride...being naked...with the warm sun on my face and chest.

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