Chatroom and Ubuntu

Doesn't seems to work.
Should be nice if somebody has the solution.

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

Works fine here. Can you be more specific about your problem? Ubuntu does not include Adobe's Flash, but chat requires Flash to work. Have you added that to your system?

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

I have the head and the foot of the page but instead of the chatroom there is a white screen ; flash player is in the system but doesn't seems to be activate.
Thanks for your help.

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

Check your browser and make sure that it finds the right plugin, AND that you have the most current version available.
For me, Opera starts to load chat, but the flashplayer version ( or some such ) isn't compatible.
Netscape ( OK, Firefox ) loads it all just fine.
I'm not an Ubuntu guy, but I have found that the browser very often finds the wrong executable, or that the current version isn't new enough, or that the browser won't load the current version even if it's installed correctly, but that's rare.

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

Thanks for your help, anyway I'm sure there is something to activate but I don't where ; I'm very close to the solution.
All plugins and programs about the Flash Player are dowloaded and installed but something is still missing ; I have just to find what and where.

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

Do you have javascript turned off? or maybe you use the "NoScript" plug in? Flash applications are activated by a javascript command, so you need to have javascript from "" allowed(whitelisted). In the past I had a problem with chat on Ubuntu that was caused by having VmWare server installed. But in that case I could load chat but all the text was illegible.

Can you describe your system, including versions of Ubuntu, your browser, and flash?

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RE: Chatroom and Ubuntu

well I just went to chat ( I do not normally) and it works fine for me. I am using 11.04 with fire fox. I also would guess something is not set correctly in your browser.

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