Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

Besides Dream Canyon and the area by Boulder Creek above the Red Lion Inn, does anyone know anywhere in the Boulder area to get nude? The north end of the reservoir was specifically targeted by last year's anti-nudity law, so it is out for me. I don't wish to be harassed or ticketed by police.

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RE: Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

I hope you found some places to enjoy nature since you posted this 3 years ago. If not, there are several open space areas between Golden and Boulder that are lightly used. Not really good places to meet other naturists but on the other hand, since they are so un-crowded, you won't meet textiles either. If you're in for more of a hike, try the creek below Gross reservoir. Once you get a mile or so into the canyon, your chances of encountering anyone are slim.

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RE: Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

Since Tony's last reply I have managed to find places to get nude. I like the sound of the places you mentioned, between Boulder and Golden.

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RE: Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

You can access the open space by going west on Hwy 72 from Hwy 93. At the mouth of Coal Creek Canyon, turn north on Plainview road. There are several areas where you can hike short distances or sun with no major worries of encountering those who have a problem with nudity. These spots make forgreat, close-in trips.

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RE: Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

Since Tony's last reply I have managed to find places to get nude. I like the sound of the places you mentioned, between Boulder and Golden.Lando, just curious . . . is the place you speak in the same general area I met you and Greg that afternoon a couple years back?

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RE: Places near Boulder, after the anti-nudity law

Yes. I still go there and not much has changed. What i am looking for though is a place where I can go for a stroll, so the open space is of interest. I sometimes go off trail a little amongst the trees far enough away that I cannot be seen from the trail, being as respectful to the plant life as I can be (tread lightly.)

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