Nude hiking

I like to hike and like to be nude, but never did a nude hike. Do you know of any trails in NH or VT that would be good for nude hiking? Every time I hike, we always run across a few other hikers.

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RE: Nude hiking

Good question. I'd think with all the remote areas up in VT and NH that there would be a few good areas to hike nude and never see anyone all day.
I'm lucky in that I can go out my back door and go nude in the woods behind my house and Ive never seen anyone out there yet. But I do worry if I do happen to see someone what will happen. Its not something you see all the time and hard to explain I think.

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RE: Nude hiking

Yea, that's tough to say how they might react.
I always say its unfair that if it was a nude woman in that situation everyone would think it was funny or neat that she was like that. But when its a man its different.

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RE: Nude hiking

Can't find Berlin, VT on google maps.What's it near?

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RE: Nude hiking

Hi,I like to hike and like to be nude, but never did a nude hike. Do you know of any trails in NH or VT that would be good for nude hiking? Every time I hike, we always run across a few other hikers.KC

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RE: Nude hiking

Willoughby lake in westmore vt southwest cove, has a trail about 45 min to hike it they say a lot of people hike it nude

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