Nudes In The News

Two Missouri women are accused of showing off more than their putting skills at a southwestern Illinois golf course.
Madison County Sheriff's Capt. T. Mike Dixon says investigators responded to complaints of lewd behavior Monday at the Woodlands Golf Course in Foster Township and saw the women displaying their breasts.

Now, authorities in Madison County have charged 45-year-old Shelly Lewis and 43-year-old Alicia Binford of O'Fallon, Mo., with public indecency.
Binford and Lewis couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday. Binford's home telephone number has been disconnected. Lewis hasn't returned a message left at her home. Court records don't show if they have an attorney.

Source- Chicago Tribune.

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RE: Nudes In The News

The only way to play golf.

People who comlained, have a very sad life.

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RE: Nudes In The News

Sorry, but Illinois is only enforcing existing nudity laws. A golf course is an open, public venue, and there are people who don't want them or their kids exposed to toplessness. Whether or not we think this is silly is irrelevant, no one has the right to force their nudity on those who don't wish to see it, in places where it's not legal and they wouldn't expect it. This would be comparable to the government forcing nudists to cover up within the boundries of nudist camps and resorts.

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RE: Nudes In The News

I understand the desire to want to play a hole or an entire round of golf in the nude ... but ya gotta know your audience and you gotta be aware of your surroundings. Maybe these women thought those around them would just think it fun or funny to see them topless playing golf. There are a lot of jackasses out there that like nothing more than to make everyone's life miserable. Sure, they shouldn't have done this ona public course with others around that would surely see them, either on the course or from adjacent homes. Out here, there are lots of tracks where you could probably get away with playing naked for a hole or two on a public course but ... even then, the most I've done was unzipped and unbuttoned my shorts to tuck in my shirt! LOL I think the more serious problem there is, is guys playing the game drunk ... I'd rather see naked people then for some drunk to hit the ball and not know where the heck it's gonna go! But ... you can have that happen with a sober person too! LOL

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