RE: Cook nude or not?

I cook nude unless I am frying something and there is a chance of grease splatter, then I wear an apron.

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RE: Cook nude or not?

I cook nude unless I am frying something and there is a chance of grease splatter, then I wear an apron.I never bother with an apron and have never suffered from grease splatter but that may be because we never buy bacon that has been subjected to supermarket water injection.

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RE: Cook nude or not?

I often cook completely nude, but if I'm cooking something that splatters oil, I sometimes wear an Apron

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RE: Cook nude or not?

always cook nude, bacon or anything, inside and out!

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RE: Cook nude or not?

Occasionally I wear an apron - e.g. when posing for a TN profile picture - but most of the time I cook naked ...

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RE: Cook nude or not?

I always stay naked, wether it is the kitchen or barbecue.

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RE: Cook nude or not?

I always cook nude when i am traveling with my hiking buddies! Of course we are all nude when we eat the food too!

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RE: Cook nude or not?

I have made several videos showing me cooking naked they may be viewed on vimeo as:

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RE:Cook nude or not?

Curious how many people cook nude, or don an apron, or clothes. What is your take?I've heard lots of people (men in particular) say to never cook bacon while naked. I cook everything while naked, even bacon. My feeling is that skin cleans easier than textiles, and it's really my hands and forearms that get close to whatever I'm cooking. Arms and hands are equally exposed whether I'm dressed or not. I've been splattered, sure, but it's not like it's a big deal. One or two drops. It's not like a major burn, if it burns at all.I grill outside naked too, on a gas grill.On the other hand, I had a favorite shirt that got a single spot of splashed grease. Took forever to wash it out.KC

When I can be nude all the time, since moving back to Illinois we have to share an apartment and our roommate is not a nudist nor wishes to my ass or other things in person the few times he has come out of the bathroom naked he quickly cover himself as o was heading for my room witch is next to the bathroom never seen that fat man moves so fast

Edit to this as I also cook as my job I do have to where clothes for that

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RE:Cook nude or not?

Always cook naked and prep my food for the week. Never used an apron and haven't cooked bacon yet, so that story bout, can't say it's true. Not a bacon fan.

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