Funny Things You Do For A Laugh.
Another good one is, when you're driving slowly down a busy street, stick your head out of the window and shout to a crowd of people, " Don't forget, seven o'clock on saturday " making sure they don't see your face. For the next few days, some of them will be scratching their heads, and trying to remember what's happeningseven o'clock saturday, and who it was that shouted to them.
So now I know, Brucie, you're the nutty nincompoop that phoned me at three o'clock the other morning, as I was in the middle of a nice dream about the local barmaid. ( I'm changing my phone number ) AND you're off my xmas card list.
Film yourself while sucking the chocolate from chocolate peanuts and spit every peanut in a bowl (if you dont want your friend to really eat these nasty ass peanuts, just give him regular peanuts). Now give the bowl of peanuts to your friends, when theyve eaten half the bowl, show them the video!