What liberals, conservatives, fundementalists and pentecostals need to know

It is an interesting thing, but often those groups that feel they have to protect and defend the bible have the greatest lack of understanding of its teachings.
No matter what you Christian Banner or tradition, ours is a God of Love and if the Christian Church cannot see the Love from members of various Christian factions, how can those outside the faith? Too often even those that get the love message in scripture gets smug and lord it over other groups we feel less enlightened. So in the end every group is guilty. I think what ever group you belong to it will be helpful to tell us all what you love about the teachings you receive and also what others can learn about God?
Why is it the stronger we feel to defend the teachings of Christ, the more distant we are in practice of Love?

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RE: What liberals, conservatives, fundementalists and pentecostals need to know

Hello Poet.
How true those words of yours are, in fact they should be compulsory reading for all Christians, especially the Fundamentalists.
Another "weakness" of the Church is that it often does not differentiate between the sin and the sinner plus it concentrates on "safe" personal or individual sins and ignores collective sin.
Regards. John S.

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