Are you a foodie??

I am not sure if this is the right place to mention this campaign but here goes!
There is evidence that in this currently economic climate if we do not act soon to help non chain eateries/breweries etc we will only have the choice of chains in the future which would be kinda sad for us foodies.
I have included here a link for this to help the individual place to thrive and survive campaign please support and re post where applicable,
thank you!

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RE:Are you a foodie??

Am I a foodie yes as I taugjtyself how to cook by watching pbs. Cook professional for thirty years now. And been burnd out from it once ever get that way go work for Walmart they will get you wanting to go back fast

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RE:Are you a foodie??

My wife and I are foodies, we very rarely eat in a chain restaurant and prefer finding a mom and pop type of eatery. We have rarely been disappointed with our choices of restaurants. We very much enjoy Vietnamese food, good Mexican, Greek, True Italian cuisine etc. we just found an Indian restaurant that we will be trying soon.

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