How what I say is not important and what you say is (important)

More and more in my life, I see Christian faith userpt by those that seek to profit financially from it.
In the bible we see Jesus gettting upset and thowing profanities at them.
What happens is that less and less we hear from the heart of the people, how Jesus works in the life of Joe the Plummer or Susie Homemaker or Susie the Plummer and Joe the Housekeeper.
I see my conservative Christian freiends trying to use the bible and their faith to condemn Mexicans and Islamic people.
Christianity is a grass roots religion, it is not headquartered in Rome or the USA, it is Headquartered in your heart and mine.
So, now today we are gathered in his name, it is important for us to know how God works in your life and for our life to be encourged as a result. If you google Carnation Bible Church, you will find a church in Carnation, WA that I founded and named. What you also find is a denominational church intent of doing their denominational trip instead of being the local church, the communicty Church it was intended to be. It may be that the internet as a force for us to be the local and community Church. We gather together and testify to what God is doing in our lives. For years people in Carnation asked me to start another Church and some in particular wanted it based on my teachings. To do this is to miss the point. My thoughts, my opinions are a result of my time spent studying and meditating on the Lord.
Instead of basing on my teachings, it is more important for you to develop your own teachings and then share so all can benefit.
We are so used to being condemned for our opinion and in fact
Isn't this what Jesus was so mad at the religious leaders for? Standing between the relationship between God and his people!
What you have to say is important and if to no one else, it is important to me.
What say you?

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