RE: Naked Hiking

I will be doing a nude hike n jasper park, anybody want to join me?

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RE: Naked Hiking

Not a major hike, but we are getting ready to head out to the point next to Orient Beach. It is more active than sitting in our lounge chairs commenting on the lookie-loos walking down the nude beach from the latest cruise ship du jour.

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RE: Naked Hiking

I was never a huge fan of hiking until I started hiking nude. It completely changed hiking for me. I enjoy the feel of the wind all around me. One of my favorite things to do it to go to one of the trails we have out this way during a light rain and just hike. It's a new experience.

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RE: Naked Hiking

I was never a huge fan of hiking until I started hiking nude. It completely changed hiking for me. I enjoy the feel of the wind all around me. One of my favorite things to do it to go to one of the trails we have out this way during a light rain and just hike. It's a new experience.

Same here, although you could say the same thing for lots of activities. I never really liked dancing, until we started going to nude dances at the different resorts we go to. Now my wife has to drag me off the dance floor! Bowling, cleaning up around the house and even shopping go from lets get this over with to can't wait to start and don't want to end! (Well, cleaning isn't that exciting, but it is better when nude)

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RE: Naked Hiking

Its not just the trail surface that can be a problem. One time we decided to go barefoot (and naked) along a beach-side trail. It was basically all sand so no issues, or so we thought. We didn't go too far, maybe a mile or so to where the trail ended. On the return we found that the sand had heated up so much that it was burning our feet. We had to literally run from shady spot to shady spot.

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RE: Naked Hiking

Since my last post, we've returned to DeAnza Springs Resort in Jacumba, CA. We did a bit more naked hiking and this time, no flash flood warnings, cloudiness or rain predictions. We hiked two trails and took more water and snacks but I think we would have liked to have had some friends along ... but the alone time was nice and would not have happened if we were with someone. :D
I'm surprised that my wife continues to like to visit DeAnza Springs, on occasion. We are members of Glen Eden and that seems to fit the bill for her. That or Laguna Del Sol, Terra Cotta Inn and several other places that are not as close. I think it would be great to join a group that hikes naked in the local area or any that are about an hours drive away. That would be great to join in on some of their hikes.

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RE: Naked Hiking

I wouldn't mind naked hiking, if there weren't SOOOO much walking involved with it.

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Naked Hiking

I have recently started hiking nude. I know there is a nude group hike on the summer solstice in VT on the AT. Anyone knowmore about it? I would like to attend.

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RE: Naked Hiking

Well today will be the first time in almost a month that I get to head back up into my Missouri woods after all the rain and a couple of road trips !! It will feel good just to be by myself in the woods where no one bothers me!! I think my wife would enjoy the nude time, if I could just get her over this modesty she has about her body!! Not going to press her or try and force her into something she's not comfortable with!!

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RE: Naked Hiking

Have only done it once while out with the dogs where they could run loose. Never saw another person on the trail before, but the day I decided to travel while nude a man and woman appeared in the distance and I was alerted by the dogs. I don't know if they recognized that I was nude, and nothing indicated that they had when we passed, but by that time I had my shorts back on.

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