Off grid - Micro-Hydro

Hi guys, I'm hoping to get started on our straw-bale house in the not too distant future, we're currently looking at various parts of France and a suitable piece of 'real estate' (around 4 hectares/10 acres) to fulfill the build and other needs, ie. woodland for heating and income and possibly construction, the keeping of animals and food growing potential. I have looked at the outline costs of various electricity production options. As has been said already, PV has come down in price quite considerably but I have a real hankering to produce 240v for direct and constant availability. To this end I'm searching in earnest for a piece of land that covers all our other needs and has a reliable water source of the correct type to drive a micro-hydro plant. I have 2 basic plans in mind, one is for a river driven waterwheel and the other a standard micro turbine for channeled falling water. I'm only looking to produce 2-3Kw so we're talking about a very small system, all excess power will go into heating a large water based heat sump which will supplement home heating and domestic hot water as well as additional winter heating for our poly-tunnels. The main heating source for both space and water heating will be wood from our own renewable supply. We will also keep a number of animals for food, both in the woodland areas and a small number on pasture-land. The primary aim is to be self sufficient and off-grid.
I'm hoping to find others in this group who may have any advice on the feasibility of any of the points I have outlined above, I'm neither too proud or too old to learn and would be happy to talk about any issues raised. Obviously everything depends upon our final choice of location, conversely our choice on location depends on our final choice of power production!! The words 'chicken and egg' spring to mind!!
Look forward to any and all words of wisdom offered.
Peace, light and love, Paul x

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RE: Off grid - Micro-Hydro

Hi, Great post, thank you for that.
I have looked in to Micro Hydro and do plan on adding a small system later, to supliment my power needs. I have a small year round stream that will work fine in the summer, It freezes in the Fall. it is about 300' from my power shed so would run it at 48v as well to help keep wire costs down My PV is currently 5.2Kw and I have 240V so can run all tools to build, plan on expanding it to 7.0Kw and adding the Hydro.
Best of luck on your project

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