Blog Talk Radio Show

I participate on Thursday's at 11:00 AM PST on a Blog Talk Radio show regarding Alternative Fuels presented by the Antelope CleanCities.!__clean-cities-radio
Also Starting on this Friday at 10:00 Am I will producing a show with Joann Keirns from the Livingtree Company on Sustaianable Living.
All though this these shows are not geared to living nude, I believe these two shows would be of interest to Club owners toindividuals interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle.

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RE: Blog Talk Radio Show

I participate on Thursday's at 11:00 AM PST on a Blog Talk Radio show regarding Alternative Fuels presented by the Antelope CleanCities.!__clean-cities-radioAlso Starting on this Friday at 10:00 Am I will producing a show with Joann Keirns from the Livingtree Company on Sustaianable Living.All though this these shows are not geared to living nude, I believe these two shows would be of interest to Club owners toindividuals interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle.Very cool, Ill look into it

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