Off grid and high-tech in Nevada City

Hi to the group. I am living in an off-grid home near Nevada City, California. The house is controlled by software I wrote to turn on heavy power users such as the well pump only when there is plenty of solar power. I don't have much information about the house online but would be happy to answer questions.I've published information about the best orientation of solar panels at .

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RE: Off grid and high-tech in Nevada City

Hi to the group. I am living in an off-grid home near Nevada City, California. The house is controlled by software I wrote to turn on heavy power users such as the well pump only when there is plenty of solar power. I don't have much information about the house online but would be happy to answer questions.I've published information about the best orientation of solar panels at .Very cool, what size is your PV Array? Type of Heat, issues you had setting it up.

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