RE: To start things off

Hi Mickey,You are a great moderator Mickey and I say that because you take the time and efforts to answer everyone who sends you a message or comments. Your personal touch is greatly appreciated. In regards to your upcoming B&B, would it be a nude B&B! I do hope so because it would be a great place to stayfor all of us true nudists who would like to visit your beautiful state of Colorado! Have a great NUDE day Mickey! Sending you my best nude regards from B.C. GillesThanks for the compliment. The B&B will most likely be clothing optional, but it is not the best location. My land where the new place is going to be is another matter, lots of room. I hope to build some decks around a fire pic. Should be able to accommodate 10-14 or more. We shall see

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RE: To start things off

Back again Mickey...
I have a question about your 30 acres of land. Are you able to purchase this land, or is there some sort of lease arrangement with the government for that? Are there any specific restrictions as to what you may or may not do there?

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RE: To start things off

Back again Mickey...I have a question about your 30 acres of land. Are you able to purchase this land, or is there some sort of lease arrangement with the government for that? Are there any specific restrictions as to what you may or may not do there?Thanks.I'm in the Roosevelt National Forest and my Deed has F. Roosevelt's signature. It was deeded before it became national. So the land is mine. The road it is on used to be the old wagon trail and there are about a dozen private parcels over the 5.5 miles. but for the most part they are not connected. Mine has NF land to the North and East, a private parcel that is vacant to the West and county Open Space to the South.
I have to deal with the County Restrictions for building. ie: Height of 30', also have to meet RESNET restrictions, although I dont know why. Boulder County is one of the worst, took me 8 months for permits.

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RE: To start things off

Eight months for permits? Good heavens man, there's an efficiently run office for you! Maybe they lost everything for 7 1/2months!

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RE: To start things off

Eight months for permits? Good heavens man, there's an efficiently run office for you! Maybe they lost everything for 7 1/2months!Ya, they seem to think that just because it is Off Grid it requires "Special" attention. The County also really does not want any one to build in the mountains so they drag there feet. Ive actually been dealing with the politics of the project for 3 years already. But now I am on my way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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RE: To start things off

Thanks Jeff for the work Pics

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RE: To start things off

Wow quite a list - nice one!
We are embarking on a similar project in Montenegro in the hope we can also generate a modest income from tourists looking for clothing optional camping accomodation.
No time right now but I will look forward to sharing our experiences soon. Our off grid problems included no mains or year round water supply. Our focus has been less about electricty generation and more about water sourcing & conservation. I'd be happy to share our experience of waterless urinals, compost toilets and grey water recycling. I've also been very impressed by the performance of our thermo-syphon solar water heating system. Might also enthuse about that in a seperate post in the near future.
In the meantime I will enjoy dipping into your project and others coming to light in this group. Thanks for sharing.

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RE: To start things off

Wow quite a list - nice one!We are embarking on a similar project in Montenegro in the hope we can also generate a modest income from tourists looking for clothing optional camping accomodation. No time right now but I will look forward to sharing our experiences soon. Our off grid problems included no mains or year round water supply. Our focus has been less about electricty generation and more about water sourcing & conservation. I'd be happy to share our experience of waterless urinals, compost toilets and grey water recycling. I've also been very impressed by the performance of our thermo-syphon solar water heating system. Might also enthuse about that in a seperate post in the near future.In the meantime I will enjoy dipping into your project and others coming to light in this group. Thanks for sharing.Would love to hear more about your project, I was able to put in a septic so your views would be a great addition.

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Composting and grey water amongst others!

Wow quite a list - nice one!We are embarking on a similar project in Montenegro in the hope we can also generate a modest income from tourists looking for clothing optional camping accomodation. No time right now but I will look forward to sharing our experiences soon. Our off grid problems included no mains or year round water supply. Our focus has been less about electricty generation and more about water sourcing & conservation. I'd be happy to share our experience of waterless urinals, compost toilets and grey water recycling. I've also been very impressed by the performance of our thermo-syphon solar water heating system. Might also enthuse about that in a seperate post in the near future.In the meantime I will enjoy dipping into your project and others coming to light in this group. Thanks for sharing.Thanks to everyone for starting and sharing in this group. I am planning to build a straw bale house and am currently looking at land on which to build and raise/grow all our own food, the plan is to become 100% self sufficient in the hope we'll achieve something close and able to barter with 'why' for the remainder. I am particularly interested in feedback of experience or ideas regarding composting toilets and grey-water systems. I have lot to learn before my expectations and wishlist can be matched by my knowledge and abilities. I know it's not going to be easy but then I always did love a challenge! I will also be looking to generate electricity, micro-hydro being my prferred choice but it's a big ask when looking for land/plots. PV is becoming more affordable, it's just all the gizmo gear that goes with it that worries me, quite apart from being on NW France which doesn't break any sunshine records at the higher end of the scale!!
So any advice from users or those who have knowledge of the alternatives in any of these areas would be much appreciated.
Keep up the good work, spread the love and happy naked times to you all, Paul x

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RE: Composting and grey water amongst others!

I know it's not going to be easy but then I always did love a challenge! I will also be looking to generate electricity, micro-hydro being my prferred choice but it's a big ask when looking for land/plots. PV is becoming more affordable, it's just all the gizmo gear that goes with it that worries me,Thanks Paul,
My understanding of Micro Hydro is that you still need all the GIZMOS, IE a charge controller, batteries, inverters as well as a diversion load so you dont fry your system.. Dont forget about the distance between the turbine and your site, wire runs can be very costly, go with the highest voltage you can.
Would love to hear other thoughts from our members.

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