Naturist Christmas and New Years party at Chan Resort

There will be a Naturist Christmas and New Years party at
Chan Resort.

We are working on the details and as we know more we will
post it, but here is what we have so far. Rest assured it will be the best naturist
party you will have ever been to. There will be a set price for the buffet
dinner and will be part of your booking.

Christmas Party

Santa Claus (Saint Nick) will make an appearance and there
will be presents for all guests.

A buffet dinner as special as we can make it, with Thai and
Western food and desserts, and of course wine with dinner.

Karaoke like we had at the Grand Opening, everyone seemed to
enjoy that so we will do it again.

Masked Nude New Years Party

Everyone will need a mask so bring one or make one. The
fancier, the funnier, and the more exotic you make them, the better. We will
have prizes for the best mask.

A buffet dinner as special as we can make it, with Thai and
Western food and desserts, and of course wine with dinner. And if we can work
it in, we will have some bubbly for a New Years toast.

Watch for updates as they come.

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