Smooth or Furry

Some nudists don't stop at taking their clothes off. They don't feel truely naked untill all the body hair is removed too. Call them Smooth. Others see nudism, or naturism as only natural. The hair stays put as nature intended. Call them Furry. When you are nude, which are you. And which do you prefer. Vote here. Oh and there is a third option I've seen - body hair but no pubic hair.

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RE: Smooth or Furry

I use a cream on all between my anus and navel

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RE: Smooth or Furry

So two replys in 4 months: one smooth and one no pubes. Well I suppose the group is about showing our nude bodies, not discussing them. My info shows men on TN are fairly evenly split between smooth and hairy, with a small minority going for the no pubes opyion.
When I asked the question I'd experimented with being smooth. I liked the feeling - sensative to the touch. But I found daily shavig a bit tiresome. So I let it grow. By then (November) I was my natural, very hairy self. Then after Christmas I thought I'd try the third option. At the end of my holiday I left my pubic hair on a warm, quiet, nudist beach. The trouble is I couldn't stop there. Within a few days I had taken the lot off. Now I'm smooth again and don't mind the shaving

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RE: Smooth or Furry

I'm the smooth one. Since I don't have much hair I remove it. In the beginning by shaving, but now by IPL. So from mu pubic hair up to my arm pits I am busy with permanent hair removal. I feels great for me and I hardly need to shave!
For others I don't mind. Both smooth and furry can be nice.
Stay nakedRoland

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RE: Smooth or Furry

Wife and I are smooth and as far as what we prefer is up to them, as long as they are happy in thier bodies, than it all good.

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RE: Smooth or Furry

I have WAY too much hair to spend all that time in grooming. I like to shave my balls but it looks odd to have a smooth abdomen and hairy legs. I will continue to shave my face and my balls only. I think smooth looks good on others and I will continue to appreciate smooth bodies!

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RE: Smooth or Furry

I am not that furry, but I do prefer the look of men that leave it natural, maybe just a little trimming. Nudity is really about being comfortable with your body, so I say everyone should try al the variations and decide what they like best for themselves. Me, I'm sticking with furry.

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RE: Smooth or Furry

Which cream is that? So far I've used razors but I'm getting too old and lazy to do that daily and I have the added complication of having to use a mirror to see what I'm doing. Nevertheless I like the feeling and look of a bald pubic area. Going beyond that is too much of a bother for me.

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RE: Smooth or Furry

Some nudists don't stop at taking their clothes off. They don't feel truely naked untill all the body hair is removed too. Call them Smooth. Others see nudism, or naturism as only natural. The hair stays put as nature intended. Call them Furry. When you are nude, which are you. And which do you prefer. Vote here. Oh and there is a third option I've seen - body hair but no pubic hair.No pubic hair here - but body hair. Just feels cleaner and I suppose in a way more naked. I have removed all body hair and like it, but for me, it's too much maintenance.

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RE: Smooth or Furry

I do agree completely with you!!!!

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RE: Smooth or Furry

Smooth! It feels so much better. Especially on my partner. I love the way it looks on the ladies. I think it lends a little more intimacy.

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