no freedom of speech here!?

well... I did start a topic once and yesterday also commented in some topics that exist.
I never insulted anyone or similar, just posted my opinion and everytime I do post anything it gets removed.
who does remove my posts and why???

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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

I posted to the topic and was never rude or aggressive.
I even did not insult or anything similar, I just posted my honest opinion, like all others did in that threads.
therefor I don't understand why these posts were removed and then I decided to start this thread...
as I see, the one who obviously removed my postings and the older thread I started does not post here because of somewhat reason... it's a shame!
I even wonder this thread is still around here... but ok
however, I think next time I just do not post on this forum anymore, because it is not wanted that you post your own opinion, as it seems!


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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

Nonsense man!
Some pretty bizarre and sometimes obnoxious opinions get posted here. Keep trying, just don't be really nasty or sleazy. You can express all the ridiculous half-learned political conspiracy bile you like, but you will be ridiculed in return.

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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

well... I did start a topic once and yesterday also commented in some topics that exist.I never insulted anyone or similar, just posted my opinion and everytime I do post anything it gets removed.who does remove my posts and why???It's not so much as who removes your posts, but ask yourself why are they removed. It's quite obvious that you are doing something against the rules. Posts are not removed without good reason. Give an example of what you said and we may then have some idea as to where you're going wrong.

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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

well... I did start a topic once and yesterday also commented in some topics that exist.I never insulted anyone or similar, just posted my opinion and everytime I do post anything it gets removed.who does remove my posts and why???This is a fantastic site. That said, I cannot agree with the censorship that happens here. A few people complain about somebody's sound arguments on a particular topic and the forums and thread get squashed. I can rationally argue my case about the conversations that should not have been pulled. There are some perverted forums at this site but at least this site is not sleazy like others.
It sucks. Maybe more acceptance will come to the administrators in time.

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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

Quite right, NIMA. Look at the likes of groups like rec.nude, and the website when the people who started them don't pay attention to the well-being of them. Both are loaded with trolls, filth, and perverts and people who are genuine nudists or genuinely interested in nudism gave up on them ages ago.

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RE: no freedom of speech here!?

Quite right, NIMA. Look at the likes of groups like rec.nude, and the website when the people who started them don't pay attention to the well-being of them. Both are loaded with trolls, filth, and perverts and people who are genuine nudists or genuinely interested in nudism gave up on them ages IS full of perverts. I don't go there anymore.

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