
Its hard to believe a week after the storm, that gunnison is still off limits. Its a shame that the National park service doesent give a crap about us , and not make provisions for us at north beach, or somewhere in Sandy Hook, ESPECIALLY on a holiday weekend ! People plan their vacations around that beach. to be shut out of a place to nude bathe is discrimination!!!

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RE: gunnison

Yeah I suppose it is, but count yourself lucky to have such a place wihin a short drive at all.

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How pathetically rude

Yeah, like travel agents, and plans all included working around IRENE We live in Ct, and up to a third of those who lost power (up to 800,000) are still without, people have lost homes, and now Tropical storm Lee is devastating the south and soon to dump another 2-6 inches of rain up the appalachian corridor. And let's not forget the areas in Northern NJ that are in the same situation and dealing with flooding issues in highly populated areas.

Now, with that said, do you think that federal agencies are in a rush to get to your enjoyment of a beach? Oh, yes, forgot, yes, they must be discriminating against you and ignoring YOU and your right to go outside nude.

Get your head out of the 'drive through' I want it, and want it now, cause it's all about ME mentality. God forbid that you have one iota of understanding of the gravity of this hurricane or hold any compassion for the MILLIONS still trying to get their lives back to normal.


P.S. It's NOT just gunnison that is closed, it's ALL the BEACHES at Sandy Hook National Seashore.

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RE: How pathetically rude

I feel for everyone that was affected by the storm, as I too was flooded and lost power. Ive cleand up and counted my losses, and life goes on. I would have been nice to go to the beach, to relax and try to put the storm behind me. So why dont you get off your High horse. And besides not all the beaches on the hook have been closed. so maybe you should do some research before you condem someone for a silly little rant !!!! sincerely, pathetically rude and nude !!!!!

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RE: gunnison

A couple of things to keep in mind, when New York City floods, the few sewerage treatment plants they have overflow and nothing but raw sewerage goes into the the Hudson and East rivers. The storm would have pushed that frothy messinto the NY Byte (the areas between NY and NJ) which then contaminates all the beaches. It's pretty nasty, let alone all the garbadge and debris that will wash up from longshore currents. The Navesink river and surrounds will have been hit with severe flooding, the the houses in the Ocean Beach and Sea Briteareas will have their fuel oil leaking all over the place, not to mention submerged cars and other machinery dispensing a myriad of oil based products. Access roads, such as Ocean Avenue and the bridges will all need to be inspected and certified by the Army Corps of Engineers before normal travel can resume. Also too, remember that Sandy Hook has old Fort Hancock on it, so with beach erosion, old steel and possibly unexploded ordiance could surface and/or be moved to the more public areas. Keep all this in mind before you worry about getting your nude on.... its for your own safety. I grew up here and believe me its best to let the inspections and mother nature clean up what needs to be done before placing yourself on the beach, clothed or not. Be cool and hang loose!

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