RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

28 April click fore the dogs and cats. Yea, got both right today. Thats two days in a row both right,

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Sunday click. My first thought with the dog was correct, but I did what I always do, changed my mind.
Dog no ---- cat yes

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

I missed the dog, but got the kitty! I lived in Hawaii for 16 years..Although I didn't actually know the Hawaiian word..I figured it out!!..There's only 13 letters in the alphabet!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Sunday click
Once again I relied on guesswork and - I got them both wrong!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#960...Sunny Sunday! gosh, did I miss doing this on Friday & Saturday? LOL Well, today, I got them both correct! yipppeeee!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

29 April click for the dogs and cats. Back to splitting the dogs and cats. Dog yes cat no.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Happy monday, Got them both right. The dog was a bit of a guess, but I worked the cat out mathematically,to arrive a the most logical answer.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Monday click
I blew it again - Both wrong

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#965....Monday Monday....Got the CAT, but missed the DOG! Oh well....must be the heat. LOL

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

30 Apr click for the dogs and cats. Back to square one both wrong today.

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