RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!
You can not only click to help pay for food for an animal, but you can also click in support of the entry of my 11-month kitten.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Sunday click
Well, I thought I made a couple of good guesses today BUT --- I got them both wrong!Sobbingloudly.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Monday click..................Dog...yes

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Monday click
Cats, yes. Dogs, no

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Educated kitty it right....the dog...i overthought it wrong

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#669 Monday, Monday...what a way to start the week with an 4.0 Earthquake in the Bay Area! hahaha Got doggie correct & of course MY cat can read my mind! hahaha

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Monday click
I got the dog right and the cat wrong. I believe Cali because, like her I am positive that my cats can read my mind.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Got the dog...missed the cat

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

#673...SUPER WINDY TUESDAY!! Got them both today... my cat is well over kitten stage, but SHE sleeps alot too! I think so SHE can keep me awake at nite! LOL

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Tuesday and got them both wrong today. I think I'm going to cry.

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