RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Today I got the dog right but missed the cat.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

I got the dog right, but then for some unknown reason, I changed my mind and got it wrong. Not a happy man !!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

well, today I batted zero! How am I supposed to know that dogs and polar bears can play together? LOL As for the cat question...I've always been a CAT person, but since 1987 more folks have converted... hahaha

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Got the dog right but missed the cat.TGIF click

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

I used another browse rand bookmark to access it and copied the url directly from the site. tested I answered both of them correctly! I'm glad I know how to tell if a puppy needs to go potty! And, I think that CATS would make wonderful Postal workers too. LOL Have a great weekend everyone.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Saturday click, happy weekend to all.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Saturdayafternoon click.I got them both correct today but Iadmitthe catquestionwas a guess.

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

11/05/11...Batting zero today....guess cuz I'm soo looking forward to changing ALL my clocks back an hour tomorrow! NOT!

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Sunday Click...right on the dog ? miss the kitty one

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RE: Daily Click For the Animals!! Kibble Trivia! Please!

Sunday click
Missed them both today ... sob.

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