Anyone ever have to log underground with their nudism? What did you do to create naked time for yourself?

Greetings I hope everyone is well! Ill get right to the point. When my daughter came along, even after a long standing agreement with the wife that we would allow open nudity to remain in our lives and raise our children that way, she had a change of heart. That means I lost my naked privileges in the home literally overnight. I went from an always nude to a secret, on the sly nude in the span of one conversation. It really sucked considering I consider myself a nudist from birth even though I wasnt raised as one. My nature, my default setting is naked, always has been. Ive always been comfortable in my own skin no matter who is around. So for 18 years Ive lived a secret life (I say that but Im sure my wife always knew what was going on) of nudity when home alone or solo hiking, long solo drives, etc In a couple days however my daughter is off to college and the wife is returning my naked privileges!! Im looking forward to conversations with her concerning the entire why and how our nude lifestyle agreement/understanding fell apart but in the meantime:

Have any of you ever had to endure a similar situation or maybe currently living the secret nudist life now? How did/do you cope and what stops you from coming out as a nudist/naturist or just reclaiming your right to be nude in your own home on your own terms?

I look forward to hearing about your experiences and sharing details of my own. Stay naked my friends!

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RE: Anyone ever have to go underground with their nudism? What did you do to create naked time for yourself?

Edit: had to fix the titlestupid iPhone autocorrect!

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RE: Anyone ever have to go underground with their nudism? What did you do to create naked time for yourself?

Luckily, my wife bought into the nudist life from the get-go. We married on a Thursday night and never put clothes on until Sunday evening. As soon as we got back to our apartment, we were naked again for another 3-4 days. Though my wife reserved her nudism times for when I was home on liberty or leave, she was so happy to resume our nude life during those times.

We had our first daughter, and we agreed that we would not only continue our nude life but raise her as a nudist as well. A few years later, our second child was born, and we never skipped a beat. The kids lived as nudists, like us until they reached pre-teen years and began listening to friends more than us. According to their friends, being naked around their parents was not only weird but illegal. Thankfully, they grew up and realized that they'd missed out so much more life that nudism would have opened doors to.

I have lots of male nudist friends that have to sneak their nudity from their wife. The wives have agreed and taken part in nudism until the kids were born, then it somehow became wrong. I thank my wife daily that she didn't take that stand and has always defended my right and our right to be nude whenever we can be.

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RE: Anyone ever have to go underground with their nudism? What did you do to create naked time for yourself?

Just to add to my post above, when our kids stopped being nudists, it didn't stop us. As they got older, and they became more actively social with friends and school, we had plenty of time alone to enjoy nudity at home. Just because they lived with us and didn't participate any longer, we never stopped being nudists.

As they left the nest, from time to time, our agreement was that they would call us before coming home. Before cell phones, they would call us from their friend's homes and tell us they were on their way. We had never lied to them about our lifestyle continuing after they stopped. To this day, our grow children and our grandkids know we are nudists, and they respect and support us. They ALL, also, agreed to call or text before coming over. A nudist does not have to change their lives completely for their kids. You all make adjustments to live together. Far too many parents give up on their lives to suit their kids instead of finding common ground.

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