Moderator Application

I wasn't sure where to post this, because there is no relevant area pertaining exactly to a question like this, but I was wondering where to apply or what you need to do to become a moderator? I've noticed a lot lately that there aren't mods online when I'm in the room. I have a lot of past and current admin experience on various groups, forums and websites, as long as a pretty good tenure on the site, and would be happy to apply. I am in the chat quite often and would be able to help often.

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RE:Moderator Application

Of the site as a whole or chat, contact TT2.

Of an individual group, the group owner. If the group has been abandoned, TT2 again.

Her response time can range anywhere from a day to never.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Moderator Application

TT2? It's for chat.

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RE:Moderator Application

Nevermind. TeamTrue2. Got it.

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RE:Moderator Application

You are more likely to get a response if you I u massage TT1 or TT2 directly

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RE:Moderator Application

I did. TT2.

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