My neighbour and his photo obsession

I have two (male) neighbours who seem to be interested in taking pictures of me. One is on the side of the house, facing the window which I use to play with sunlight (you've seen dozens of those pics). But when I see him, I normally pull the see-through store down and he can no longer see more than the shape of me. It does affect the light, it will soften it, so if I want harsh sunrays I'll let him see me (and take pics with his phone camera) but in the last year I think I only took pictures in that spot once, and the model was not me but Vero, so he doesn't get lucky very often.

But in front, facing my dining room, I have a very big bay window with an exit on a nice terrace - not huge, maybe 10 sqm, but six persons can eat comfortably on it. And opposite the street it's a smaller building but a lot further away, maybe 50m, maybe a bit more. And here lives my stalker. At this distance you can't really see the faces well, but I do know who he is, we sometimes meet in the street (yes dear Americans, in France people actually do walk in the street). He is young, maybe 30, good looking in a tall, slim, boyish, shy but cute way and never smiles back when we meet. He doesn't seem to be an exhibitionist, I only saw him naked a few times during the heat wave but who is not naked then and I never saw him naked in the evening, with the lights on or for longer periods of time.

But he's almost always there with his camera pointed towards my bay window. I don't usually expose myself on purpose, I have this see-through curtain always pulled close so like the other neighbour he could only see some shapes, and from farther away. Ok, there were exceptions, I wrote about the New Year's celebration when all of us ladies, I think we were seven, danced naked on the terrace, in the drizzling rain, then each of us, two by two, danced on the table with the curtains pulled wide open. There were also a few photo sessions where I didn't pull the curtain because the light was bad... But these are exceptions, really. Ok, I may suntan on the terrace in the nude sometimes, but I take my kit off only after I lay down on the lounge chair so he can't really see much. Occasionally I may run inside to bring a cold drink without bothering to cover myself but that's what - two seconds max each way?

Then of course there is the airing ritual. I am very sensitive to smells and I like fresh air so each morning I jump out of the bed and pull the see-through curtain, pull the bay window open, then go on the opposite side of the apartment and open the windows to create a draft, then come back to close everything off after maybe ten minutes.

Again, he sees me naked for a few brief seconds but you know what? He is always there, curtain pulled closed, only his big zoom pointing out, thinking I don't see him. But I do. Of course, he knows my morning routine and when it happens. But I also see him in evenings, when I do the same ritual. Except that this time it's at different hours, I am rarely naked, only basically if I have just "got lucky". When we get out it's late in the evening by the time we get back home, I am wearing evening dresses and I feel the air is foul the moment I get into the apartment so I air it.

He still is always there. And each time I get on my terrace to drink a coffee or have a meal outside he is there. And I'm dressed. Even when I get to the window with my coffee I see him. I wonder whether he has a sort of movement-activated device pointed towards my window.

I noticed him first maybe one and a half years ago. At the beginning I was upset and tried to cover myself -wrap a towel around me when airing, etc. but you can't always think of this, and sometimes you may realise that you have forgotten to pull the curtain while walking around the house or when looking for something in the cupboard...

Then I started to develop a relation with him like my mother did with a rat. She hates rats and loves birds so she goes out to feed them every day. One day, a year ago, a small, skinny and very scared rat cub came out of a hole to grab some grains. She felt sorry for him and protected him from the crows. Day after day, they developed this relation and now he is an old rat who eats from her hand. She even feels sorry when she is sick or it rains too hard and she can't go out because her rat is waiting for her. She still loves birds and hates rats, and most birds recognize her and follow her everywhere but her problem is the rat, whose name is Michel.

I feel a bit like this too. I don't like voyeurs but I feel sorry for this guy, whom I named Michel too (I call him Mishka, which is close enough to "mouse" in Russian). I think he shouldn't spend so much time on this obsession, he is young and should have fun in his life. But seeing that covering myself for months didn't make any difference I now feel sometimes like I owe him something for his effort and dedication. So maybe I spend an extra second when airing in the morning, maybe I let one strap slide down to expose a breast when drinking my coffee by the bay window or on the terrace, maybe I take my bottom off before airing in the evening, maybe I make my girlfriends pose in front of the window with the curtain pulled off... It's not every day, maybe not even every week, but I do occasionally feel I owe this to him for his efforts.

I know of course I am just feeding his paraphilia, just as my mother knows that she is making that rat dependent of her feeding, but what can I say. Then we shouldn't have pets at all.

But here is the thing. I think maybe I can cure him of his addiction if once, when we meet in the street, I give him my card and say "Look, I know you have been taken pics of me for almost two years. You must have thousands of pics of me and there is not much you haven't seen already but I am ready to come to your place and pose for you naked for two hours, in any setting, position or outfit you want. This way at least your pics will be of high quality and you will be less interested in those stolen images". I mean I don't mind, I have already posed naked for three different men and he already has lots of nude pics of me.

On the other hand, if he is a voyeur, maybe the hunting is more important than the prey, the idea of stealing images of me naked more important than the images themselves. Guys who pose as women or couples to send friendship requests just to see naked pics here on TN could see naked girls anywhere else on the internet but the satisfaction of cheating us into revealing our bodies to them is probably the most important part of the game...

Maybe he will say yes, he will shoot me and this will cure his addiction. Maybe he will say no and this will still cure his addiction, he will be disheartened to see that those hard-earned stolen pics lack value so much that I offer them liberally in the street. Maybe he will say yes, shoot me but continue to stalk me (I think this is the least likely scenario). And no, I don't fear him, I think I can take him in a fight, I know his address, D would know where I am...

So here are the usual final questions:

1. Do you think I should offer to pose naked for my stalker?
2. Do you think he would accept it?
3. Do you think this would cure him from his addiction?

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

Oh, my. Hopefully that sample of two doesn't fully extrapolate to the wider population! I'm disappointed if the typical Frenchman, upon encountering such good fortune to not only have you as a close neighbour but to receive the occasional or regular serendipitous view, only thinks to get the camera, zoom lens and tripod out. I'd like to think I'd be appreciative of such a neighbour and friendly when I encounter you on the street. Whether or not the elephant in the room (such an apt phrase but for your decidedly non-proboscidean characteristics when viewed from a neighbouring property) gets an airing, I could not imagine being anything other than warm and friendly as I am able to link a real person to my collection of memories (not photographs).

I've no insight as to how your offer would be received from experience. Once again it's a case of the elephant in the room but being called out by you this time were you to make such an offer, except this time I feel the proverbial elephant may be better behaved once confronted with such a proposal. My suspicion is he likes to ignore that elephant and may not appreciate you confidently describing his actions and testing his courage by your offer. Perhaps he'd rather not acknowledge you face to face.

I think he'd be a little fearful of you. Definitely more of a mouse than an elephant. And to my mind one not worthy of feeding.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

I do think you should offer him the 2 hour session with a clear and solid escape route in the event it turns soir.
I do be lieve he will accept without much hesitation.
Now as far as curing him , that is the difficult question. Once confronted you may find a charming and gracious young man who is simply awkward in today's mysterious society. He may reveal the roots of his obsession whether it be voyeuristic, a genuine appreciation of the beautiful female form or even artistic .
Would definitely be interested to hear how this develops.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

I would advise caution as you can never anticipate what happens after years of voyeuristic behavior has been exposed. The potential for pent up emotions to burst forth is sure to exist. So, in short, here are my responses:

1. Do you think I should offer to pose naked for my stalker? No, this could publicly expose his long term behavior and have repercussions.

2. Do you think he would accept it? No, that would indicate an acknowledgement of his 'peeping' and cause internal turmoil.

3. Do you think this would cure him from his addiction? No, it would just force him to be more stealthy in his activities. If he were younger, you could attest the activity to hormones but he is most probably past that state.

As an action plan, I would recommend a slow withdrawal of your actions visible to him and wait for extinction to occur. Otherwise, have 'D' give him a pseudo friendly 'cool it' conversation in the street.

These are just my thoughts & I hope they add to the exchange.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

So one vote against feeding the mouse, one for and one undecided, more on the no side.

As for safety, as said I don't fear him. He must have seen D multiple times and D doesn't look like someone you want to mess with. Not when you are in Mishka's weight category. I could even invite him to my place to shoot me, but I'm sure he would be afraid of meeting an angry D there.

Now the other neighbour, the one who saw me less often, only when posing but from close up (his window is 10m away from mine but his is a small and high bathroom window, mine is a side living room one), he is very friendly, he always stops me for a chat, smiles a lot... Very friendly indeed. I think he is one of those guys who feel that they have an advantage over a woman simply because they have seen her naked.

I didn't mention another possible option: just feed the mouse to intoxication. He must get bored and tired at a certain point in time. Why bother hiding myself. Say I open the bay window when I work out. I gave up on my gym subscription at COVID and never got another one so I train at home, exactly in front of that bay window. And my workouts are usually in the nude - old group members have seen many pics and some videos of those workouts. We are in September but during summer I had to choose between working out au naturel and pulling the curtain and bay window open to get some fresh air. Why not let him see my workouts, I think they are good tutorials too - one day I do weights (I have a foldable bench and four sets of dumbbells (ok, I can't really use the heaviest ones, they are 40 kg each so they are for D), the other day I do cardio - that's mostly dancing, sometimes air kickboxing,,,

So if he has access to seeing my naked self every day, how long do you think it would take him to get bored and find something else to do with his spare time rather than accumulating useless pics and videos of my butt? My bet would be somewhere between 7 and 10 days.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

Based on experiences here, I'm sure his stamina would be strong. He'll tire wgen the rest of us do. It may be fun to let him settle into a viewing session and then gratuitously greet him, whether in action or voice, from your balcony. Will the mouse be brave then?

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

I do believe that extinction would occur but do not believe 10 days would be sufficient. He is obviously getting gratification from the views and knows you stick to your routine & will continue. Therefore, it will be longer before he decides it's out of reach. My thought is a time period that includes 3 weekends of 'there's nothing to see here' and would include periodic 'check-ins' to validate that nothing has returned to the former business as usual. Do be careful as folks do have a built in random factor on behavior. Please take care of yourself.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

Double that estimation I say.

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RE:My neighbour and his photo obsession

Hey Flora, such a dilemma,
1. Does your mouse know that you know that he's watching you? If not, maybe wave to him... you'll get an idea whether he'd accept any of your invitations to photograph you in the 2 hr session. If he disappears from view, you know he'll never accept your offer, if he waves back he'll accept.
2. If he already knows, that you know he's watching, he'll probably accept any of the offers.

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