
Let me apologize to everyone for not being around and not having our regular get togethers. I have experienced unforeseen changes at work and some issues in my family the past few months. But hopefully in the coming weeks I can get the group back together.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their summers and had plenty of naked time outdoors.

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Hey Perry, no need to apologize, the fact that you are willing to open your home to people in the group for get togethers is greatly appreciated, thank you for your hospitality.

We first met several months ago when I attended one of your events, I was welcomed by you and the rest of the group, I truly enjoyed the day.

As adults we all know we can make plans and then life/work/something gets in the way, it happens.

I hope all is well.

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Sounds good Perry. I hope you get everything sorted out and can host some meetings.
I look forward to meeting and spending nude time with everyone!

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