We need to come to a consensus on what to do about females in the men's locker room.

I see it's become common for female gym employees to enter the men's locker room. Especially in Planet Fitness. I asked around and found out that they deliberately hire more women than men so they always have a woman that can go into the women's locker room. Which means they don't always have men that can go into the men's locker room to clean.

So instead of the usual arguments about double standards, I think we need to reach a consensus about what is the proper etiquette for when it happens. I think we as nudists need to do it, because if we don't they will.

Like I said I see this a lot in Planet Fitness, and if you don't know Planet Fitness is the gym with the least amount of nudity. Me as a nudist I try to do my small part to normalize nudity. Especially in places like the locker room where a little nudity is supposed to be accepted. Not to mention that the guys that Don't shower or change are gross. They leave the gym all sweaty and probably stink.

I haven't been going too far. I just been getting naked before entering the shower and closing the curtain behind me. Just not to risk my clothes hitting the floor and getting wet. Then I dry my upper body in the shower but not so much my legs to avoid my towel getting wet. Then I walk to my locker in my towel where I take it off to dry my legs and get dressed. That way I show a little bit of nudity, but not so much to be obscene (according to textile standards).

The girl that used to clean didn't seem to have a problem with nudity and seen me naked a bunch of times. Which was great because nudity isn't obscene and she consented by walking in there and then lingering around when I need to get dressed. She didn't even announce when she was going in.

Now the new girl they have gives me the impression that she isn't as comfortable with nudity. When she walked in I seen her eyes just open up like she was nervous or shocked. I wasn't even naked at the time, and not to mention that she's the one in the men's locker room.

So my question is should we cover up for them or go about our business as usual?

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RE:We need to come to a consensus on what to do about females in the men's locker room.

I haven't been to the gym lately, never really used the change room (was easier to drive home for a shower) and am on the opposite side of the planet, but I would have thought it's an issue between the employer and employee rather than the employee and the customer.

Taking a modest approach to using the change room as you are should be sufficient in my opinion.

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