penile size

I really thought I was past worrying about penile size, but I guess not. I am a home nudist and for various reasons (not important for this thread) have not and likely will not go public. I have looked through photo galleries here and elsewhere, avoid porn and become comfortable with my length which is about average. It is who I am. However, I was walking in the woods near home and came across a naked man on his own. It is a known nude tolerant area. I chatted with him a bit but what got me was, not the length but the girth of his penis. Like 1.5 to twice the thickness of mine. Length was similar.
Can't help but feel little inadequate. He didnt know as i was dressed. It really isn't an issue when I am just at home, but still I wonder.... like would my wife be better satisfied if I was thicker?
No need to even reply, I just wanted to vent to guys who would understand. Thanks for listening

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RE:penile size

I know you said not to reply, but I just want to give you some positive feedback.

Your wife married you for a reason.

You are enough.

Life is more than just a penis.

You have fingers and a tongue for a reason as well.

Don't let any steal your joy.

Stay Naked!!!

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RE:penile size

In a genuine nudist environment no one cares about your punishment size. Anyone who is focusing on your punishment size is not a genuine nudist. All that to say just be you and comfortable in your own skin.

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RE:penile size

You say you felt a little inadequate.

Dig into that a bit.

Inadequate suggests a lack of ability to do something. Is there actually something you want to do that you can't?

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RE:penile size

We are all born equal, some are just more equal than others

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RE:penile size

Thanks for your comments. It was a momentary shock to the system. I am past it now I think. Comments were very helpful, so thank you

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