Food from plants are most important for us

All food that I eat is whole food only from plants.

In 2019,the British & American Gut Projectlooked at the diets of thousands of people, assessing how different dietary patterns were associated with different health outcomes. One of the most interesting findings was aroundfiber. Therecommended portion of fiberfor an adult is 30-35g a day, but what the study was showing us was that the amount of fiber is not as important as the variety. Different plants have different fibers, so eating more plants diversifies the types of fiber you eat. The study showed us thatpeople who ate the largest variety of plant foods were found to have the healthiest microbiomes(the microbe environment that exists naturally in our guts) and were likely to report the best health outcomes. The study suggested that 30 was the optimum number of different plants for fiber diversity, as there wasnt much improvement when you increased from 30 to 35 or 40.

Plant foods include all fruits and vegetables, legumes (peas, lentils, tofu and canned or dried beans), grains, milks made from nuts or grains, nuts and seeds.

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