GNI Gathering

Has anyone been there?
If so, how does it feel to know that you must remain nude the entire time, except in the case of inclement weather?

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RE:GNI Gathering

There's actually a GNI group. You might get more answers there.

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RE:GNI Gathering

To your actual question: I haven't been, but I'd assume it feels the same as going to a nudist park with regards to being nude all the time, which I quite like.

And being naked in the rain is way better than bring clothed.

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RE:GNI Gathering

There's actually a GNI group. You might get more answers there.

I found the group and posted there also, but since the group has only 1 post in the past 2 years, I am not expecting much if any response.

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RE:GNI Gathering

Am I the only one who doesnt know what GNI is?

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RE:GNI Gathering

Am I the only one who doesnt know what GNI is?

Gay Nudists International.
They run a large annual gathering for about a week in NE PA where clothing is not allowed.

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RE:GNI Gathering

I googled it and found the website very easily. I don't recall hearing about this before but definitely looks interesting. Looks like we just missed the event this year but its on again in August 2025.

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RE:GNI Gathering

Has anyone been there?If so, how does it feel to know that you must remain nude the entire time, except in the case of inclement weather?

Have you not been to other nudist spaces with similar rules?

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RE:GNI Gathering

Has anyone been there?If so, how does it feel to know that you must remain nude the entire time, except in the case of inclement weather?Have you not been to other nudist spaces with similar rules?

I've never been to GNI, but have been visiting a nudist resort the past 2 years. While you can wear clothing in your room, camper, rv, or tent, they do require nudity in all public spaces unless weather doesn't allow it. I have no issues with that, I in fact prefer being nude. It keeps everyone on an equal playing field so to speak, no worry about creepers in clothes just there to watch everyone else.

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RE:GNI Gathering

Actually it is Gay Naturists International. Formed as a result of efforts of naturist and free beaches advocate Lee Baxandall work to welcome more diverse people into the naturist community. When the existing association clubs werent as open they formed a sub group of the Naturist Society and later branched off on their own.
Gay Nudists International.They run a large annual gathering for about a week in NE PA where clothing is not allowed.

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