Close Encounter

Yesterday, I had my closed call yet encountering a clothed person while hiking nude. She got to within 20 feet of me before I saw her coming. I ducked off the trail a bit to let her pass. She was so engrossed in staring at her phone, complete with ear buds, that she never even noticed she'd passed very close to a naked person. It amazes me to think one could go out in our beautiful natural world only to star at a smart phone.

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RE:Close Encounter

Seems so common now. Even busses are less of a concern while driving as I just assume everyone's more interested in their phone than the view outside.

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RE:Close Encounter

Seems so common now. Even busses are less of a concern while driving as I just assume everyone's more interested in their phone than the view outside.

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RE:Close Encounter

Seems so common now. Even busses are less of a concern while driving as I just assume everyone's more interested in their phone than the view outside.

Yep was driving home two nights ago and pulled up alongside a bus. Was worried, looked across slowly and there was only about five people onboard but they were all engrossed in their phones!

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RE:Close Encounter

It is a shame that people spend so long staring into their phones, quite often i leave mine at home and people watch, its much more interesting

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RE:Close Encounter

Seems so common now. Even busses are less of a concern while driving as I just assume everyone's more interested in their phone than the view outside.

i agree most everyone has their nose pointed at a phone when a passenger and very unfortunately while they are the driver too.
But i do take note what times the school buses go by home morning or afternoon,. It would take only one kid not looking at his phone to cause a scandal.

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RE:Close Encounter

Seems so common now. Even busses are less of a concern while driving as I just assume everyone's more interested in their phone than the view outside.

i agree most everyone has their nose pointed at a phone when a passenger and very unfortunately while they are the driver too.
But i do take note what times the school buses go by home morning or afternoon,. It would take only one kid not looking at his phone to cause a scandal.

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RE:Close Encounter

Really good point about the school busses.

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RE:Close Encounter

I agree people are glued to thier phones missing the beauty that surroinds them everyday.

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RE:Close Encounter

Just before COVID and before they stopped alowing nudism on the trails. I was hiking nude with my clothing in my hand heading to the nude sunbathing area. A mom amd her kids all clothed came hiking by. I just place the clothing over my pibic area and smiled and walk right by them saying good morning as we passed.

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RE:Close Encounter

Mom and kids were in an area where there is a nude sunbathing spot so I guess they may have come across nudist. Re being seen not much u can do but remain calm and just be polite. Youre only naked not trying to be a pervert. Its natural!!

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