TT1 and TT2 Help Needed

It's more an explanation of what is happening with photos following the rules for posting and uploading not being approved for groups??

You have a Photo Mod that seems to be on a mission to not approve ANY photos uploaded by me. It's an issue with other members as well. During a message conversation with TT2, she mentioned that I would be a great photo moderator but then she's not answered my request for her to do so. I understand you're not on here daily anymore, but it's been a few weeks since our last conversation and my request.

It's apparent that one or more of your photo mods are more "prudish" than others, as stated by TT2. So why is this/these person/people still allowed to be photo mods when they are not following the photo rules of the site?

WE'D really like some clarification on this matter and no one, is chiming in to these discussions on the Forum, especially Admin, the TT's or Photo Mods.

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