Pay back time

Over the past couple of years, I've noticed a surge in fake accounts on, mostly young women naturists created by scammers. Many of these accounts try to connect, and once you're hooked, they push to chat on other platforms like WhatsApp or Telegram. It doesnt take long before they start professing their love and, predictably, asking for money, gift cards, or other forms of support, claiming they need it for internet, phone upgrades, or even to visit. It's ridiculous, really.

For a while, I played along just to see where they'd go, but recently I decided to turn the tables. I took the initiative and started connecting with them firstover two dozen in fact. At one point, I was chatting with up to 10 scammers simultaneously. The results were interesting: most of them turned out to be from Nigeria and Ghana. How do I know? Well, when I got them riled up, they resorted to insults in their native languages.

I even pretended to be one of them for a few, throwing in some phrases in their language. This convinced them I was one of their own, and they started talking freely, praising me as the best among them with a perfect profile and so on. It's laughable, really, but also infuriating. These scammers are a nuisance, not just here on TN but across many platforms.

Unfortunately, I dont have the time to keep engaging with them, but I wanted to share this with all of you. Its just a confirmation of what weve all suspected about these so-called young female nudists. Stay vigilant, everyone!

So if any of you have some time...Have some fun ...connect and waste their time, pis. them off!

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RE:Pay back time

I had something disturbing happen today--an accepted friend request that I never made, nor would have. It was clearly a fake account. How did they do that? By getting into my account? I obviously immediately blocked the profile that I supposedly friended.

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RE:Pay back time

yep scammers are a pain in the ass for sure. We have to deal with them.

I get random texts on my phone which seem to be at first just a misdailed number. I know they are going to apologize then switch to asking for something.

One time I got a random text " what are you doing?" I answered totally truthfully " I am playing yard games with 18 naked adults" Which is exactly what i was doing on that summer afternoon. The response i got was obviously not true " well i am &^*(ing 15 beautiful women"

One time i got a question " when are you picking me up?" I answered " sorry the stretch limo is in the shop and the chaufer is on strike"

Often i include a reference to non sexual nudity like skinny dipping etc.

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RE:Pay back time

Possibly they hacked into your account bit unlikly, most are scammers not hackers, they don t want to waste time, they hate wasting time...that is why you can spot them quickly as they fall in love after few text message and ask for money few texts is possible you inadvertently sent a friend request...otherwise your account has been kacked,change your password immediately, check your messages " sent" box and see if there are any message sent without your knowledge.

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RE:Pay back time

Malware is a serious problem for social media wherever anyone goes on the internet. The problems get worse when there is not safe protection against the malware from infecting the computers of its users. Websites need to implement their own protections against this, and that is only the job of the website. This and people using bots as 'scraping' tools to surveil any website and its users are the culprits of spyware and malware being used on normal users.

Some of it may amount to the deeply seated cultures of anger and hatred for other groups of people inside places in the world, which also is causing more people to perpetuate the cycle of violence not give any care for their neighbors or groups of humans in other parts of the world. When some of these people get too much power, they really can hurt people. This can lead to prime scammers being the most filthy, anti-empathetic, evil people and for them to want to do these scams.

And in many countries in Asia, Africa, And South America and Eastern Europe, it all really comes down to the actions of people over time, and their governments reactions over time. A lot of the scams are inside some governments, not just in the already mentioned regions, but also every government in the world. Cyber crime and cyber war are real. We all have our part to play in our own ends of using the internet, so we need to use it wisely.

We all have to not scam people on here, and to have empathy, and to not get too opportunistic. But most cyber crime isn't anyone here's own intentions unless they deliberately act inauthentic, which happens a lot with social media. Most of the inautheniticity comes outside the north of the world to steal from the rich and feed the scammers. Most of it is part of the businesses of corporate scammers and white collar criminals getting into dirty tactics and flat out fraud. Much of it also is attributed to warfare, policy enforcement (even to bad policies) and intelligence gathering. And some of it is just a part of governments acting on their own citizens, many times even in times of peace.

It is a foul world out there. If you just leave the internet alone, you can reach nature again. This requires going away from cities or anything like a responsible local government that always is in your face. Few places in the world have this beside the open oceans. Even there, we all still have the problem of us having to take responsibility. In those such areas of earth, the problem then becomes you having to deal with your own responsibility when the government isn't looking, and this precisely is the problem everyone of us has to face, what we do not do with our data matters, and when we waste our data, use the wrong sites, or waste time online, the information is out there, and it is vulnerable because there is not any such thing as "The Cloud" only other people's computers.

I only am using this website because I do not trust anyone I would pay in general for other sites and I do not have enough interest to do the difficult tasks of learning how to interact using the "Privacy focused computer programming toolsets."

One of the upsides is that this website is free, but it needs to have the reasonable safegaurds against intrusive privacy invasions by their own website, intrusive privacy invasions by users on here, and make it less easy to register if you have incomplete information. The most reasonable pieces of personal information to ask to present upon creation of a profile are: age, DOB, email address, and country of residence. There should not be verification to DOB and age due to the problem of fake ID cards, but email address and country of residence should be verified as much as possible. Anonymity on the internet should be a right, but if we do not check by personal conversation via email and verification by a WHOIS lookup, who is the owner of the email and their country of origin, without requiring the real name to be disclosed to the public, we lose the integrity of having available real people to call users to any website requiring a "username" and "password."

Anyone can have a fake phone number (burner phones and PAYGO phones.) Anyone can make a fake DOB and age. The real task it to verify information that you recieve based on personal information with public records, such as the WHOIS data, based on another person's word and to enter into agreements based on built trust and knowledge. One has to verify information with public records such as the WHOIS data.

I believe social media sites can strike up the right balance to at least verify their email address ownership and country of residence online without disclosing such to the public. It is problematic when they do not contact the owner, then verify by the WHOIS lookup. It is problematic when they do look up the email and the owner and both and do not pursue to verify it, and it is problematic when they both contact the owner and verify with WHOIS and if they disclose the data they are using to verify the user the public.

Moreover, information that is collected by these companies needs to be kept private, and not get put in visible, online data sets that can be scraped and sold on markets. Any data that anyone share to the website must be taken seriously, that someone that doesn't like you might be able to find it and see it. I am not sharing anything I don't want my neighbors I don't trust to know about me. Everything on my profile is just what I want to be known by and treated "differently" because of it being a part of who I am. What I do not want people to know immediately I do not share.

Respectfully, I share these opinions with you, and these opinions are my own and do not reflect on the owners of this website, because they are not their own. I am not an expert in any of these fields.

Anyone may reply how they wish to this thread how they want.

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RE:Pay back time

Information that can be faked:

Phone numbers: Burner phone numbers

DOB, Age: Flat out lying or unverified false information

email: Burner email created with an untracable burner phone created with any fake persona. fake emails can create all kinds of personas and online lies.

Fake ID CARDS: Flat out lying then getting a private company that looks official to make a fake card that looks official even though it contains completely false information

Photo manipulation: Fake photos generated using AI or Photoshop.

Fake home city: Flat out lies, Fake ID Cards used "Verify" your lie.

Fake universe: CGI illustrations of a world you don't live in using just art or photoshop. Watch for flaws with this, but computers make it look better and better each year.

Fake name: Humans can just make it up on the fly, and some might be able to just forger the evidence and get away with verifying the fake evidence with enough forgery.

FAKE FACE: Face Masks that look real enough.

IP address and country of IP address: VPNS or going to a server farm and using a VPS or in territorial anomaly and using the local internet in a territorial anomaly.

What you cannot fake:

Country location in a lookup for an EMAIL WHOIS lookup, even though the data for other WHOIS information may be inaccurate, the location of the host of the email always is accurate, so someone can investigate the location of the real host.

MAC Address and MAC Address Locations.

Some biometrics, and their biometric verification.

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RE:Pay back time

Very thorough, most of the things you describe can be found on this site.

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RE:Pay back time

Basically, it really boils down to the fact that there are many ways you give up the chance to verify your users if you don't have:

1) Their MAC Address, with the location with includsion of the country of origin of the computer.

2) Their Email Host WHOIS and with Location of the Server of the Email Host so their email provider can take down activity on the email that is fraudulent.

3) And Biometrics, which can be percieved as problematic because there can be some very narrowly limited manipulation in the design of the systems by bad actors (faking biometrics occaisionally can work under limited circumstances of extreme methods of circumvention or framing).

It also can be considered to be an easy way to tie everything people do online to their digital identity when they may be doing regrettable things in their present that they will regret in their future and can lead to cultures of shame if everything is tied to the digital biometric identity even the things nobody needs to see. For this and other reasons, biometrics can be considered an Invasion Of Privacy.

They really need to have a process of screening applicants to this website to determine their country of origin and their email host location with country of origin.

I think they need to have routine email whois to lookup the people on this website and talk, usually be either email or later alerting them in private messages on here after email communication doesn't work, with people who are using this website.

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RE:Pay back time

Some of that kind of tracking is prohibited in the EU so there are some privacy issues that need to be addressed.

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RE:Pay back time

Some of that kind of tracking is prohibited in the EU so there are some privacy issues that need to be addressed.

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RE:Pay back time

Yes, GDPR in the European Union does forbid much of the information from being given out indiscriminately. I don't remember exactly which ones are prohibited by the GDPR. But Sharing BIOMETRICS Definitely is forbidden, so therefore Biometrics is Automatically ruled out.

Anyone reading this should read the GDPR of the EU as a document and see If "WHOIS Data"

is or is not forbidden.

Thanks. I think Whois and Domain Registration data for emails is valid even under GDPR but I am not sure, I'd have to read about it or read the document itself on the European Commission or the EU websites.

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