RE:Real life naturism/nudism

John, this happens because the group Mods have their groups set to Public. ALL my groups are set to Private. Perspective group members don't get in unless I approve them.You also have group Mods that "require" members to submit naked photos of themselves once allowed to join. Should they refuse or not comply, the Mod deletes their membership. I've read where some group members have been allowed to join, submitted their naked photos and then they have been deleted from the group. Their naked pictures still remain in the group's gallery.Being a group Mod takes time and work. If you're not willing to put in the time and work to try and maintain some resemblance of true nudism, the fakes, pervs, swingers, undesirables will continue to increase. The good people will get tired of it and eventually leave the site. I've lost many friends here, many female friends here, because they just got tired of the decline in this site's direction and lack of attention from owners and Admin.Group Mods really have no authority at all. Even with a Private group setting, I can't delete photos from the group gallery, I can't keep a non-member or fake from posting in the group's discussions if they are a friend of a member. I can't delete a post that doesn't belong or is uncivil, disrespectful or rude.What is the point of not allowing moderators the power to delete inappropriate material?

Giving up control, not complete control, but giving "moderators" the authority to do what's right for the site and for real nudism. I've been a member of several naturist/nudist forums, websites and message boards. The owners/Admin can tell, over time, who those people are that are real nudists and have the right frame of mind for what the site is trying to accomplish. Those other sites were not like this one. There was no chatroom. There were forum mods that kept the peace and deleted spam, blocked spammers, deleted undesirables that somehow snuck in and deleted their profiles, blocked their re-entry into the site. I was one of those mods. I was tough but that's what the owners/Admin wanted to keep the site pure. It was never about money, it was about sharing of info, getting the positive word out and growing the social network for nudists/naturists. TN, regrettably, is about money now and whoever is running the site doesn't want anyone's help, doesn't want anyone with any authority to make the site and groups better, doesn't want what's right for TN.

Here's a perfect example of where the powers that be are in their thinking. I have a guy that continues to request permission to join my groups. He's a picture poster, of himself. Same poses, multiples of every pose, in every group he's a member of. You may think this is fine but for me, when all he does is post his pics and never, NEVER, joins in in any discussion, joins dozens of groups to post his pics. I've deleted his membership to all my groups. Being a fair guy, as the group mod, I'd like to delete his photos from my group. The owners/Admin won't allow me that authority. Same goes for female friends here that have left the site, but I can't remove their photos from the gallery. The site owners/Admin want full ownership of those photos and that's not only wrong but that's far from True Nudism. What's the point.... naked pictures, membership numbers, daily site visit numbers ... all amount to more money when it's time to sell the site.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism


I used to belong to a forum that is now long gone. We're talking late 90's. I used to visit the chatroom daily; and as homes mentioned, we'd just chat about nudism, encourage each other - be it about our "reluctant" spouses, or just finding a resort to go to. I actually ended up meeting local people from the chat - in person - at resorts and non-landed clubs. Which made chatting online even more meaningful since we'd actually met.

Pictures were taken when met in person and/or shared online; as there was no fear of the pics being leaked on the internet. There was camaraderie, and above all, trust.

I think that's unfortunately a thing of the past. And I don't think we can turn back the clock. Whereas "online nudism" and real-life nudism would sometimes blend, the distinction is now stark. Discord and suspicion have replaced goodwill and kindness (which I can admit is a problem I've been a part of). Which makes it all the more important to "get out there" and find people and or/spaces where nudism is practiced purposefully.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Yeah...sighs...I used to belong to a forum that is now long gone. We're talking late 90's. I used to visit the chatroom daily; and as homes mentioned, we'd just chat about nudism, encourage each other - be it about our "reluctant" spouses, or just finding a resort to go to. I actually ended up meeting local people from the chat - in person - at resorts and non-landed clubs. Which made chatting online even more meaningful since we'd actually met.Pictures were taken when met in person and/or shared online; as there was no fear of the pics being leaked on the internet. There was camaraderie, and above all, trust.I think that's unfortunately a thing of the past. And I don't think we can turn back the clock. Whereas "online nudism" and real-life nudism would sometimes blend, the distinction is now stark. Discord and suspicion have replaced goodwill and kindness (which I can admit is a problem I've been a part of). Which makes it all the more important to "get out there" and find people and or/spaces where nudism is practiced purposefully.

One of the more difficult things we've faced is meeting really great, real nudists online, but find that we live so far apart that getting together isn't that easy. We've met plenty of real nudists in person at the beach, our club and at resorts but after a few meet ups, their true colors begin to surface and it's not a good match. We need to have other things in common besides our preference for being naked.

We don't give up hope and then there's always an email from close nudist friends in neighboring states that ask us to join them on a getaway.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Nudony ... I was on NCH, Nudist Club House many years ago and really enjoyed it. I don't remember posting much to a group but had a great time with about 8 - 12 folks (on Cam) every night in the Chat room. But after two or three years, it was hi-jacked by some hacker who tried to blackmail everyone for money. To my knowledge, nothing ever became of it but the site basically shut down. The end came quick. I had been on TN a little during the NCH time but moved over here full time after the crash. It was a lot more friendly and fast moving about 12-13 years ago. I would really like to see this site do better but don't know if that's possible now. Andy, my lone moderated site, Florida Panhandle Nudists is set to 'Public' but I must approve all members and their submitted photos. It's pretty much a low traffic group so tacky posts have not been a problem and I did purge about 250 members at the outset of my moderator duties. I'm going to keep doing the same until I finally throw up my hands in disgust and hit the big delete button. I do enjoy the interaction and hope it continues for the foreseeable future.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

I used to be on NCH before the hijack as well. Actually met some people on there who I later connected with in person because I recognized them from time in the chat room. They restarted a new site but it was invite only and they really limited the access and membership.
But after two or three years, it was hi-jacked by some hacker who tried to blackmail everyone for money. To my knowledge, nothing ever became of it but the site basically shut down. The end came quick. I had been on TN a little during the NCH time but moved over here full time after the crash. It was a lot more friendly and fast moving about 12-13 years ago.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism


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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Yeah, many of us were on NCH during the crash. Many of us tried in vain to get Brian Spence to relaunch but he became quite involved in CFI or It appears he's relaunch NCH again and I've joined. If it is anything like it used to be, I will undoubtedly leave here and go there.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Thank you for that information as I will do likewise. It was a much much better site.

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

Is that the site listed as or something different? The picture listed on the opening page is not what I remember from the original one. Also, the rules list is quite extensive. Anyway, I'm thinking it was about 2010 or so and the same NCH guy did CFI along with his day job at Disney. Has anyone else noticed the difference? And, just out of curiosity, who remembers the picture of Sparky with the funky hat & cake at her 60th birthday party. I always thought that picture was a genuine hoot!!

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RE:Real life naturism/nudism

What is NCH and do you also have a link?

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