
I'm hairy. 99% of guys hate this but here I am. Hairy.
It started sometime in early June when we took one of our girlfriends (whom those of you who visit often have seen, she is one of my return models) to a German spa and we saw that she had this incredibly beautifully crafted heart-shaped hair work on her pubis.

Needless to say, she was an instant hit in the spa, everybody was admiring her pubis. A suggestive tattoo would likely have the same effect but I am too shy to wear fake tattoos in spas. I did wear some on the beach, but it looks to me like this is too much an attention seeking stunt and, on top of this, it may get off during a sauna session so why bother and be ridiculous. But yes, I guess if you tattoo a heart on your pubis, just above, you know, your lady bit, this will attract lots of attention. Or maybe it will just make people less worried about respecting the two-second rule. Fair enough.

But I decided that I wanted the same. It was on a whim and not really to show off, I don't go much to spas in summer and my holiday will be in August and most likely a textile one, but I just wanted it. Maybe for a few pics (wanna see them?).
But tough luck. It's like a 14 yo guy wanting to grow a da Vinci-style beard. I may dream of it, but I just don't have enough material for that. I have very scarce, short and blondish hair down there. Before being basically forced out of my swimsuit on an improbable East-European beach I hadn't even tried to groom much there. I could wear the tiniest string bikini with no worry about anything sticking out. And honestly, the few guys who were lucky enough to see it never complained.

Once I became a nudist, I started to groom more. First it was a tiny land strip, then I just took everything off, it was easier. Not much to get rid of, just a few stray hairs. We all have hair but if say you can see the 3 mm thin blondish hairs on my thighs it means that you are having sex with me so you will probably not mind. And if you see the little hair I have on my pubis it means you are seeing me naked so you will probably like thee experience (yes, I know, I should be more modest but it is what it is).

So I can't shape it into a heart because I have too little of it and hence I decided to go natural to see what gives. And I went to a few spas like this, pretty much the only one unshaved. And you know what? People remark it (not surprising) and seem to like it (surprising).

Now I would expect that, if asked, 99% of guys will say they like it shaved. Which is normal, one the one hand it will look younger and on the other they will see more of it. This is why 99% of us ladies shave. Yet, when they see two equally sexy ladies naked, side to side (my girlfriend is very sexy and shaved) they will look more at the unshaved one. It could be understandable, rarity and surprise and stuff. I expect that if I didn't shave my armpits and I was blessed with thick dark hair at that level they would also look. But I've been in this world long enough to know when guys like what they see. And they seem to like to see my unshaved pussy. And this is very surprising.

I can in fact only think of a few potential explanations for this paradox:

1. Maybe they just lie when they say that what they actually like is shaved pussies;
2. Maybe they don't lie but as men like diversity so much, in a world of shaved pussies they will enjoy seeing the unshaved one.
3. Maybe they just like blonde pussies more than brunette ones.
4. Maybe they were all short sighted and didn't even notice I was unshaved?

So why do you think this paradox exists, men who like it shaved seem to appreciate me more when unshaved?

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Great post Flora.(again). I don't think there is a definitive answer to this particular paradox. The admiration of a smooth pussy is a hairy pussy seems to be arbitrary and capricious at times. The attraction subject to the whim and fancy of the day. One day I crave maple flavored ice cream and the next day chocolate.
How do you delineate desire in a case like that. Personally, I love smooth pussy but admit on more than one occasion a pussy with hair has garnered attention from my eyes, my mind and my man bits. I am sure some men have a different perspective and would like to hear them.

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In response to your questions, I expect it's a little of 'all of the above', except for the short-sightedness factor. I'm sure if I was without my spectacles I could discern the style from a reasonable distance, even if not quite the details. Variety is always welcome and, short of being very thick in the coverage, there's usually a balance of observing the hair versus at least a glimpse of what's behind it.

In the end, since you are quite spectacular overall, nobody is about to complain about such details, even if they were ever inclined to do so anyway.

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Though I'm sure everyone has their own criteria; it's probably a broad spectrum. My own thoughts focus on the #2 'seeing something different' and #3 'the different colors'. If the ladies have all been shaven down there and a full bush comes along, naturally it is going to draw attention. The same idea is true for colors as darker is more prevalent. Someone shows up with a nice auburn or blonde bush & it's going to get noticed. It's not a bad thing and is obviously enjoyed. Perhaps that's the reason a nice auburn or red bush get's a genuine 'wow' from yours truly. What can I say ... I'm still a guy. ;-)

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Ok I am a man.
Yes I do like it bare. Women already dont have a lot of hair. But seeing a real redhead is rare to see and a blonde is a little more common. But both are fun to see with hair. The big, huge, monstrous bush is scary !
As for tattoos, I do hate them. Temporary tattoos are fun !

A good friend did the laser hair removal and she loves it

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Ok I am a man.
Yes I do like it bare. Women already dont have a lot of hair. But seeing a real redhead is rare to see and a blonde is a little more common. But both are fun to see with hair. The big, huge, monstrous bush is scary !
As for tattoos, I do hate them. Temporary tattoos are fun !

A good friend did the laser hair removal and she loves it

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My take on this is that by letting remain what is naturally growing there, it in essence gives permission to the appreciative beholder to take as long a look as needed -- to be sure they've learned everything they can, of course. Can your delightful petals be seen through the sparse blonde coverage?

Two seconds isn't really enough time to get the blood flowing southerly. I'd be curious to know how many of these thankful viewers of your bush began to exhibit any noticeable thickening&lengthening of their own pubic parts as their extended visual perusal lingered a little too long. The chance to keep gaze glued to that focal fuckpoint through the insistence of your hairy invitation - the sight of something less common in the bare scene of late - gives their blood more time to flow out of their brain and into their dongs. We guys accept any invitation for excitation! This is related to answer #2 - it is suggested by some scientists that diversity incites the novelty cues in the more ancient, animal parts of our brains.

And speaking of novel, consider a reverse shave, by shaving a heart OUT of the pubic area hair, with the removed hair at the tip of the heart becoming an arrow to delight, and the gawking you've enjoyed by simply leaving the hair natural will likely increase. This razorwork may challenge the downstairs blondes more than the brunettes with their scarcity of fur. Or mix it up -- invert that heart! See the guys (and bis) twist their heads to the side to try to orient the symbol of love correctly, giving them a sore neck if they stare too long, but they won't care that much!

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Women who are hairy are beautiful & sexy. It's natural. If a woman prefers to be hairy, we as men to need to respect her decision. I find hairy to be attractive.

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I have proudly worn my hair again for almost a year. Soft and comfy. I may not stay this way forever, but for now I enjoy it. Frogett

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Can't say I have a strong preference, except for the lower part which I (and D) prefer neat. It was a fun experience and it's easier to drop it than to grow it. But it was useless, I couldn't shape anything out of it, too scarce and too close in colour to my skin. I trim it I lose it. So I guess I'll get rid of it. I would have post a pic or 2 on TS but TS and TN are very slow these days and with the amount of activity on TS I can no longer be bothered.

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For the most part, I prefer the lady parts with a little furry-ness - neatly trimmed. I can appreciate the visuals of fully shaved but find narrow landing strips a bit odd and unnatural looking. The issue of maintaining a smooth shaved pussy also seems challenging - on a few rare ocassions Ive encountered the equivalent a 5 oclock shadow on a womans pussy - and the slight abrasive quality I found a bit off-putting - not that it stopped me mind you. I have encountered some very lovely bushes - although none as full and furry as I see in some photos of some Japanese women. Id imagine it might fun to explore a forest of that nature.

To turn the tables here, what about hairiness on the man bits ? What are the thoughts of the lovely ENLs on this topic? Do we want to even open that can of worms ?

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