Nude season has begun

Returned home from dropping off our grandson about an hour ago.
Took everything off shortly thereafter and intend to remain nude until I go to church tomorrow morning unless I take an early morning bike rid first.

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RE:Nude season has begun

Nude season for 2024 began one minute after midnight December 31st 2023.

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RE:Nude season has begun

Nude season for 2024 began one minute after midnight December 31st 2023.

How do you handle the cooler weather in the winter?
I wouldn't want to pay the heating bill to keep the house warm enough to be nude year-round. or add that much carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

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RE:Nude season has begun

Wouldn't it be great to be able to go to church nude?

A few resorts have clothing optional services. Nearest one to me is in Southern VA, so I doubt if I will go there.
I did watch church nude on television during the pandemic.

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RE:Nude season has begun

Wouldn't it be great to be able to go to church nude?

It would be better to be able to go to the gym, stores and work in the front yard.
When I belonged to a gym there were a few days when that was the only time I wasn't naked. There were a lot more when it was the only time I wore a shirt.

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RE:Nude season has begun

Oaklake Trails in Oklahoma has a a church on site that holds regular services
A Christian fellowship group in the UK has services at on of the oldest naturist venues there.
Wouldn't it be great to be able to go to church nude?

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