
ok here is the latest because of the drought, their will be a shortage of hops this fall... go figure, oh! that does mean we will have trouble getting it........but of coarse, supply and will be paying a lot more for it..stock up now i think you can freezr the pellets.....remember when gas was 25 cents a gallon? i wish i would have stocked up then.......the price never came down

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RE: shortage

John,, I don't know where or what part of the world you where refering to when you mentioned a drought and a shortage of hops. However I do thank you for the HEADS - UP. 2 years past. (my way of saying long ago ) There was indeed a shortage of hops and I had a dickens of a time getting any any..Thanks to a friend of mine I am growing my own hop plants. Realistcly I won't get any this year. And I think its a viable solution IF you have a lot of sun and Heat And If you have a place for a plant that grows 20 feet or more..
some Hops grow slower some not so slow..The Golden Nugget grows FAST The cascade moderatly so The Willimette Dead last. At least where I am. I am just throwing out OTHER options

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RE: shortage

of i was speaking of the hops capital of the world....oragon and hop plants are 2 years old and i think i might get about 1/2 gal og my varities...

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