Examples of well-known vs. unknown actors doing nude scenes

What do you think about well-known actors appearing nude or exposing their bodies in film. Is there a difference? There is for me. I always appreciate the nudity. When its someone I know and have seen multiple times clothed, in very familiar roles, the nakedness stands out for me. I guess it's almost like when you run into someone you know from the textile world at a nude beach or resort. A couple ofvexamples on film are seeing Julie Andrew's, although not completely nude, but exposing her breasts in S.O.B. Another one that stands out in memory was growing up watching the young actor Johnny Crawford as Mark McCain on The Rifleman on TV. He did full frontal nudity in The Naked Ape with sexual scenes and a Playboy photo spread, then he played Slim and did the orgy scene in The Great Texas Dynamite Chase. Maybe the exposure stood out more because he was so familiar. I know I always enjoy seeing well known actors willing to do nude scenes.

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RE:Examples of well-known vs. unknown actors doing nude scenes

I have utmost respect for any actor or actress who will do a nude scene that makes the movie more real. Historically nudity has happened whether a prison shower scene, POWs in camps, people forced forced into gas chambers, or more common places like locker rooms after games, or a sauna where business is discussed. So when the star actor or the lowly extra agree to be nude for the sake of realism it shows their dedication to their job. We might see only a brief glimpse of skin in the final cut , but that might have been the result of hours of staging and shooting that the actor was bare or nearly so. Sure the tabloids or the web will capture that glimpse , the actor knows that and is yet bares all , more power to him.

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RE:Examples of well-known vs. unknown actors doing nude scenes

I have utmost respect for any actor or actress who will do a nude scene that makes the movie more real. Historically nudity has happened whether a prison shower scene, POWs in camps, people forced forced into gas chambers, or more common places like locker rooms after games, or a sauna where business is discussed. So when the star actor or the lowly extra agree to be nude for the sake of realism it shows their dedication to their job. We might see only a brief glimpse of skin in the final cut , but that might have been the result of hours of staging and shooting that the actor was bare or nearly so. Sure the tabloids or the web will capture that glimpse , the actor knows that and is yet bares all , more power to him.

Very well put and I think you're right. I remember seeing The Sporting Life, a movie about rugby and having the actors, including Richard Harris nude in the locker room. It added alot of realism. I can think of many films where nudity in a normal location such as a locker room or showers or skinnydippimg in a stream, whether a well-know leading actor or an unknown actor added reality.

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