RE:Handicapped nudist questions

I know several people at my resort/club have a colostomy bag and they do not cover it at all. They simply go about their lives and participate in activity like other people do. I hardly notice when I am interacting with them because I am not scrutinizing their bodies. Covering with a cloth may call more attention to it than is warranted.

Thank you.Honestly im the type would prefer the curious flat out ask. I've learned to accept myself as i am. My only caution is trying to be respectful to others comfort, feelings, ect.Thats why i thought say a wash cloth over the colostomy was a good idea. As they couldnt see much grossness that way.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thats interesting. One place i spoke with years ago suggested the cloth so no one can see stool and be grossed out. So i always thought out of respect it would be s good idea.
But i can also see it bringing more attention. But thought the colostomy its self would bring attention anyway.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

I can only tell what I have observed in my experience. There are Al least three people who wear colostomy bags and interact openly without any issues. I have never had occasion to view anything that was unsightly. Now maybe they are very intentional about making sure the bag is clean when they are in public but I have never noticing anything but I am not looking at that either.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you.
Honestly that makes me feel alot better.
While mostly comfortable with and accept myself as I am I also know grew up in a family that went great lengths to keep such things private and thought of almost as a taboo. So cautious and a little nervous about how others may react or feel when everything is open for everyone to see. I'm also one who always try's to be respectful of others feelings / comfort even above my own.

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you. I actually check that aspect as well prior.I've even looked at having a female friend who is open to the idea go along with to help that issue.But the physical issues are main concern

It sounds like you're really taking the time to consider everything carefully. It's great that you're thinking about all aspects, including having a friend come along to help out. Taking care of the physical issues is definitely important. Just make sure to prioritize your well-being and safety above all else. If you need any more advice or just want to talk it out, I'm here for you!

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Thank you. I actually check that aspect as well prior.I've even looked at having a female friend who is open to the idea go along with to help that issue.But the physical issues are main concernIt sounds like you're really taking the time to consider everything carefully. It's great that you're thinking about all aspects, including having a friend come along to help out. Taking care of the physical issues is definitely important. Just make sure to prioritize your well-being and safety above all else. If you need any more advice or just want to talk it out, I'm here for you!

Much appreciated.
Mind if i I pm you? Would be easier to go over some aspects that route .

I'm looking at taking a trip in early October to florida and going to try to visit a resort i spoke with while there. So trying to make sure i cover all my bases.


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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

That sounds really frustrating, Don. It's tough when places have unclear rules that make it hard for single parents to enjoy nudist resorts with their kids. It's important to have those legal rights respected. Hopefully, you can find a nudist resort that's more understanding and accommodating. If you ever want to share more or talk about anything else, I'm here to listen! Good luck with everything!

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RE:Handicapped nudist questions

Its sad they do that.
But unfortunately in the world we live in theres people who would try and sue if the parent that didnt bring the children to the resort didnt approve.

I had a friend years ago who was considering going to one and she had been widowed and they wouldnt let her in with her children without a letter from their father or the death certificate and birth certificates. She was so upset she gave up on the idea of the life style completely.

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