I'm a college nudist in Boston. Are there any nudist organizations nearby?

I am a college guy and last semester I discovered that I am a nudist. I really want to get into the nude recreation scene, but having spent so many years in the Textile World, I have never met any other nudists before. To make matters worse, Boston is not exactly a nudist-friendly city due to our bad weather. So because of this, I have no idea how to get into social nudity there and I have no nude friends to help me. The one good thing is that Boston has a lot of college students, so there's gotta be other nudists my age! So what I am wondering is, are there any Boston-area nudist clubs, preferably the kind with college-age members?

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RE: I'm a college nudist in Boston. Are there any nudist organizations nearby?

Check out naturist new hampshire.Non-landed group,went to a nude swim with them at a little inn near mt. Monadnock New Hampshire.Really enjoyed it.

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RE: I'm a college nudist in Boston. Are there any nudist organizations nearby?

I agree, With the amount of college kids in boston there should definatly be some some campus student groups, but I have never seen them. It is possibly a climactic and cultural thing. Although several schools have underware runs!!!

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RE: I'm a college nudist in Boston. Are there any nudist organizations nearby?

Sunchasers is a great non landed club and very active in the off season unlike the resorts, campgrounds, etc. You can also check with vidanuda.com for any of their groups in the area. vidanuda is geared for nudists in your age range. If they don't have a group in your area, see how you can help start one....https://www.vitanuda.com/

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