Your weekly logical fallacy: personal incredulity

I personally don't see how anyone could not respond to these lessons I give week after week. Not saying hey good job, or hey you suck and here's why. Nope, it's impossible for these to keep going out and no one says anything! Then again my own personal incredulity might just be getting the better of me. Also, someone could be reading this far in the future and not know what I am on about. Oh well, let's get into it!

Because you found something difficult to understand, or are unaware of how it works, you made out like it's probably not true.

Complex subjects like biological evolution through natural selection require some amount of understanding before one is able to make an informed judgement about the subject at hand; this fallacy is usually used in place of that understanding.

Example: Jack was talking to his friend Michael about how he had just become a home nudist. Michael was taken aback by such a statement. Michael said, "that's impossible, everyone knows you have to wear clothes at all times. Jack said that he was doing it at home where no one could see him so he wasn't hurting anyone. Michael still wasn't accepting the explanation. "If anyone came to your home they could see you and then you would be in trouble so you can't possibly be nude". Oh Michael...

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