Certification for incomplete profiles

I am confused by the practice of certifying profiles that are incomplete and dont even have a profile photo. The totally diminishes the point of certification and makes a group like this less useful IMO. I am open to the perspectives of others.

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RE:Certification for incomplete profiles

I am confused by the practice of certifying profiles that are incomplete and dont even have a profile photo. The totally diminishes the point of certification and makes a group like this less useful IMO. I am open to the perspectives of others.

Certification only requires the requisite two pictures and now I guess some form of government ID with your picture and name (other stuff can be blocked out). While not perfect, it does allow a reasonably good filter to eliminate the spam accounts when interacting. I just wish they would limit non-certified and/or non-paid accounts to read only.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Certification for incomplete profiles

Certification only requires the requisite two pictures and now I guess some form of government ID with your picture and name (other stuff can be blocked out). While not perfect, it does allow a reasonably good filter to eliminate the spam accounts when interacting. I just wish they would limit non-certified and/or non-paid accounts to read only.John aka cobeachbum

I don't think that that's true any more. I know someone who was certified just by holding up "the sign". No photo id required.
I also don't think it's kosher to certify people who have private profiles. What purpose does a private profile serve? If you're afraid of being recognized by someone from your company or from your textile friends, then why are they looking for you on a nudist site? If someone mentions seeing you here, then you can ask them "Oh? Are you also a nudist?"

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RE:Certification for incomplete profiles

Certification only requires the requisite two pictures and now I guess some form of government ID with your picture and name (other stuff can be blocked out). While not perfect, it does allow a reasonably good filter to eliminate the spam accounts when interacting. I just wish they would limit non-certified and/or non-paid accounts to read only.John aka cobeachbumI don't think that that's true any more. I know someone who was certified just by holding up "the sign". No photo id required.I also don't think it's kosher to certify people who have private profiles. What purpose does a private profile serve? If you're afraid of being recognized by someone from your company or from your textile friends, then why are they looking for you on a nudist site? If someone mentions seeing you here, then you can ask them "Oh? Are you also a nudist?"

Photo id is most definitely a requirement. They may have squeaked by by mistake or they aren't telling you the truth. It does look like a nude photo with the sign is no longer required. Like most things on this site, the directions were only half updated and are thus confusing.

As for the private profiles, I do understand it. I know a few folks who work with kids (teachers, youth groups, etc). All it would take is one parent or religious zealot to throw a hissy fit and they are fired.

John aka cobeachbum

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RE:Certification for incomplete profiles

Agree, but really I am tired of seeing non certified, no pic, new account asking for friendship all over and going into groups posting WhatsApp, telegram and many more external programs so they could chat/text or whatever outside here, so why even bother to get certified. Any how, have a wonderful nude day!

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