Dancing naked... Part 2

The second time I danced naked in front of a crowd it was not in a nudist context and it was not really on a bar table. It was also during summer holidays in a club not far from the beach. On the DJ side, they had these two round podiums or platforms with bars making them look a bit like cages, overlooking the patrons below. That's where professional dancers would dance and twerk, dressed in skimpy and shiny bikinis.

That night, there were only two animators, two petite and slim girls on huge platforms who in the end took their top off and danced topless for a couple of songs, to the delight of the crowd. Then I don't know if they were short of pro dancers or simply it was a sort of new animation, but they had a guy going around with a mic followed by a camera and inviting girls to go dance on one of the podiums. Somebody was spotting good dancers I guess, the guy would go to them, the music was turned a bit down and you could see the interaction on the huuuuuge screen on one side and you could actually hear them. "Hello Miss, you are a great sexy dancer. Where are you from?" "X". "That must be an absolutely adorable place if they have such beautiful girls. Would you do us the honour to dance on the podium for us". "No, you know, I am in a bit of a hurry, I was about to leave...". The whole huge crowd of patrons: Yeeees, pleeease... Go, go go!...

And the girl would obviously end by accepting, go on the podium and dance, the image projected on the huge screen...after just one dance or even before, the heated up crown would start to chant "take it off" or something and the animator would go "Miss, we would all absolutely love to see you taking your top off. Would you do us this pleasure?". And you know something? In the end, they would accept. All of them.

I was the third (and oldest) victim of the evening. I had no intention to dance on that podium like a bird in a cage so I declined. But there is so much peer pressure. You realise that everybody sees you on that big screen and you are spoiling the show if you say no. I did say no though. Several times. Then the animator turned to D. "Sir, are you the happy partner of this beautiful lady?". 'Yes, I am". "Would you mind if she danses for us up there?" "No I wouldn't at all". "Is there anything you can do to convince her to give us this pleasure?". "Sure. Honey, please go up there and dance for me". Applauses.

Now this was a hit below the belt. He knew that number one, I like to dance for him, and number two that I would put him in an unpleasant position if I said no. So I went like a lamb to the slaughter house to one of those silly platforms and started to dance. Sure enough soon they all started to chant take it off and the animator started to insist that I take my top off. It's only then that it dawned on me that I was wearing a short tight dress, high heels, thigh highs and nothing else. I already told you that I don't wear any underwear during summer holidays, it's part of the holiday feeling of liberty for me. So no possibility to take only my top off. It was dress on or everything off, nothing in between. It could only be taken off upwards so I tried to lower a bit the top and show my breasts but nobody seemed to be satisfied with that.

I won't lie, I had had one or three drinks before and the peer pressure was huge... I could see myself dancing on the huge screen, all eyes were on me waiting for me to take my top off. I didn't want to do it because unlike Cap, here they could take pics and film me with their phones. So I refused... For a while. Then I said what the hell, and just slipped my dress over my head. Because of my previous experience which I described here, I knew I shouldn't throw my dress to the public and just threw it behind the platform. The roar when they realised that I was buck naked... The first and only... The applauses...

So yes, I danced naked on a small platform for maybe three songs. Maybe five. In front (or rather a bit above) of a couple thousand people, with my image projected on a ten-meter wide screen and with lots of people filming me with their mobile phones... On th one hand, that huge screen made everything visible in the tiniest details for everyone. One the other, I felt more comfortable than when dancing in bar tables. There was some distance between me and the viewers could not touch me. No, they hadn't actually touch on the bar tables, but they could have... And they were making appreciative gestures, I could feel their smells (I am very sensitive to smells) and they could smell my perfume... Some tried to give me small bancnotes... It was a Different level of proximity...

So here you have it. After these two stories of dancing naked in front of a crowd, let's answer some legitimate questions.

How does it feel? A lot of shame and embarrassment. The reluctance to take it off. I knew I would do it a couple of minutes in advance but I was postponing the moment. The moment I grabbed my dress I felt my nipples rock hard and my face burning because of the embarrassment.

Does the shyness wear off? Yes it does. So here I am, naked and trying to dance with glued knees because you know... From that position under me they can see everything if I let them. Then the adrenaline starts transforming into endorphins, helped of course by the alcohol in the blood. So I say what the hell, I close my eyes and just listen to the music and start moving on it, wilder and wilder...

Can it actually start feeling good? Yes, it can and it does. After the first few minutes of dancing, a feeling of exhilaration kicks in. You feel like you own that public, those hundreds or thousands of simple mortals under you. You are their queen and priestess, you rule over them, you seduce, bewitch and bring them to a second state, a level of exaltation, you give them a trance which you already start to feel yourself. You stop dancing for the music, you stop dancing for your man, you dance for them. You give them your best. This faceless public which you own and play with...

Is it arousing? Hardest and most intimate question of all. I didn't actually feel more than the exhilaration but once I stepped down I realised that yes, I was physically aroused. So in all honesty I think that it does get exciting even in an erotic sense, although this is not what you.a ctually feel when you dance, it's more of an afterthought. But as the places where you feel shyness and arousal are likelyery close in our brain, there can be some confusion between them. In the case of the bar I was so ready to receive D by the time we got home. In the case of the club, I wanted that D takes my to the washrooms and orders me to bend over and put my palms on the wall and takes me hard... It didn't happen, I had become a bit too popular and a lot of eyes were on me so I asked D to go back home. Where yes, I made him hard and put my palms on both sides of a full-length mirror and exploded within seconds...

But I guess I'm getting a bit outside the realm of pure nudism. It's your fault you know, you shouldn't have asked me whether or not it was arousing...

And yes, D filmed it and I have recently found that video (it was maybe 4 or 5 years ago) and I was surprised how wild and sexy I looked. Turning like a twister (I had very long hair at the time), caressing my body... I didn't even know that my hips can go so far out of alignment... Maybe I'll post that video here, although frankly that would be pushing the edge of the enveloppe as that dance is more erotic than naturist... On the other hand, the mods delete all my naturist pics anyway so...

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RE:Dancing naked... Part 2

The second time I danced naked in front of a crowd it was not in a nudist context and it was not really on a bar table. It was also during summer holidays in a club not far from the beach. On the DJ side, they had these two round podiums or platforms with bars making them look a bit like cages, overlooking the patrons below. That's where professional dancers would dance and twerk, dressed in skimpy and shiny bikinis.That night, there were only two animators, two petite and slim girls on huge platforms who in the end took their top off and danced topless for a couple of songs, to the delight of the crowd. Then I don't know if they were short of pro dancers or simply it was a sort of new animation, but they had a guy going around with a mic followed by a camera and inviting girls to go dance on one of the podiums. Somebody was spotting good dancers I guess, the guy would go to them, the music was turned a bit down and you could see the interaction on the huuuuuge screen on one side and you could actually hear them. "Hello Miss, you are a great sexy dancer. Where are you from?" "X". "That must be an absolutely adorable place if they have such beautiful girls. Would you do us the honour to dance on the podium for us". "No, you know, I am in a bit of a hurry, I was about to leave...". The whole huge crowd of patrons: Yeeees, pleeease... Go, go go!...And the girl would obviously end by accepting, go on the podium and dance, the image projected on the huge screen...after just one dance or even before, the heated up crown would start to chant "take it off" or something and the animator would go "Miss, we would all absolutely love to see you taking your top off. Would you do us this pleasure?". And you know something? In the end, they would accept. All of them.I was the third (and oldest) victim of the evening. I had no intention to dance on that podium like a bird in a cage so I declined. But there is so much peer pressure. You realise that everybody sees you on that big screen and you are spoiling the show if you say no. I did say no though. Several times. Then the animator turned to D. "Sir, are you the happy partner of this beautiful lady?". 'Yes, I am". "Would you mind if she danses for us up there?" "No I wouldn't at all". "Is there anything you can do to convince her to give us this pleasure?". "Sure. Honey, please go up there and dance for me". Applauses.Now this was a hit below the belt. He knew that number one, I like to dance for him, and number two that I would put him in an unpleasant position if I said no. So I went like a lamb to the slaughter house to one of those silly platforms and started to dance. Sure enough soon they all started to chant take it off and the animator started to insist that I take my top off. It's only then that it dawned on me that I was wearing a short tight dress, high heels, thigh highs and nothing else. I already told you that I don't wear any underwear during summer holidays, it's part of the holiday feeling of liberty for me. So no possibility to take only my top off. It was dress on or everything off, nothing in between. It could only be taken off upwards so I tried to lower a bit the top and show my breasts but nobody seemed to be satisfied with that.I won't lie, I had had one or three drinks before and the peer pressure was huge... I could see myself dancing on the huge screen, all eyes were on me waiting for me to take my top off. I didn't want to do it because unlike Cap, here they could take pics and film me with their phones. So I refused... For a while. Then I said what the hell, and just slipped my dress over my head. Because of my previous experience which I described here, I knew I shouldn't throw my dress to the public and just threw it behind the platform. The roar when they realised that I was buck naked... The first and only... The applauses...So yes, I danced naked on a small platform for maybe three songs. Maybe five. In front (or rather a bit above) of a couple thousand people, with my image projected on a ten-meter wide screen and with lots of people filming me with their mobile phones... On th one hand, that huge screen made everything visible in the tiniest details for everyone. One the other, I felt more comfortable than when dancing in bar tables. There was some distance between me and the viewers could not touch me. No, they hadn't actually touch on the bar tables, but they could have... And they were making appreciative gestures, I could feel their smells (I am very sensitive to smells) and they could smell my perfume... Some tried to give me small bancnotes... It was a Different level of proximity...So here you have it. After these two stories of dancing naked in front of a crowd, let's answer some legitimate questions.How does it feel? A lot of shame and embarrassment. The reluctance to take it off. I knew I would do it a couple of minutes in advance but I was postponing the moment. The moment I grabbed my dress I felt my nipples rock hard and my face burning because of the embarrassment.Does the shyness wear off? Yes it does. So here I am, naked and trying to dance with glued knees because you know... From that position under me they can see everything if I let them. Then the adrenaline starts transforming into endorphins, helped of course by the alcohol in the blood. So I say what the hell, I close my eyes and just listen to the music and start moving on it, wilder and wilder...Can it actually start feeling good? Yes, it can and it does. After the first few minutes of dancing, a feeling of exhilaration kicks in. You feel like you own that public, those hundreds or thousands of simple mortals under you. You are their queen and priestess, you rule over them, you seduce, bewitch and bring them to a second state, a level of exaltation, you give them a trance which you already start to feel yourself. You stop dancing for the music, you stop dancing for your man, you dance for them. You give them your best. This faceless public which you own and play with...Is it arousing? Hardest and most intimate question of all. I didn't actually feel more than the exhilaration but once I stepped down I realised that yes, I was physically aroused. So in all honesty I think that it does get exciting even in an erotic sense, although this is not what you.a ctually feel when you dance, it's more of an afterthought. But as the places where you feel shyness and arousal are likelyery close in our brain, there can be some confusion between them. In the case of the bar I was so ready to receive D by the time we got home. In the case of the club, I wanted that D takes my to the washrooms and orders me to bend over and put my palms on the wall and takes me hard... It didn't happen, I had become a bit too popular and a lot of eyes were on me so I asked D to go back home. Where yes, I made him hard and put my palms on both sides of a full-length mirror and exploded within seconds...But I guess I'm getting a bit outside the realm of pure nudism. It's your fault you know, you shouldn't have asked me whether or not it was arousing...And yes, D filmed it and I have recently found that video (it was maybe 4 or 5 years ago) and I was surprised how wild and sexy I looked. Turning like a twister (I had very long hair at the time), caressing my body... I didn't even know that my hips can go so far out of alignment... Maybe I'll post that video here, although frankly that would be pushing the edge of the enveloppe as that dance is more erotic than naturist... On the other hand, the mods delete all my naturist pics anyway so...

Sounds like fab fun for all, post the vid if you want, I'm pretty sure you'll just tease it's about it, which is fine too, we will play the vid in our minds!
GO Flora!!


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RE:Dancing naked... Part 2

Oh, wow. Amd here I was thinking the earlier experience could not be topped...

Only question from me is one I think I asked earlier, but since you have the video record and a degree of objectiveness due to the time passed, I can certainly ask now. Did any nervousness show through to the audience or did your performance project confidence despite any inner nerves?

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