What would you like to be in your next life?

Ok, full disclosure, I'm not a big believer in metempsychosis, but this question is I think better than one like "what do you regret to not have achieved in life".

So rather than telling me something like "I'm sorry I didn't like maths in school, I could have been a new Einstein" or "I'm sorry I was so shy in my youth, I could have been a new Casanova", I would like you to think in positive terms. Say reincarnation of souls exists and at that moment you have info from all experience you've had in this lifetime and you need to define what you should be in the next. What would that be?

As for me, I would certainly want to be... Hmmm, maybe I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. But for those who have known my antics for a long time, what do you think I'd like to be in my next life? Maybe an exotic dancer? A luxury escort? A novelist (maybe a writer of erotica)? A nude model? A photographer? Hmmm... What do you think I'd like to be? I'll think of a present for whoever finds the right answer.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

Flora, I know this is not the answer youre looking for but I am as satisfied as a pig in mud! I have the most wonderful, beautiful, classy woman I have ever met as my wife. I want to be just what I am, a husband to my sweetie. There were obviously some times where if things had gone differently, my life outcome would have been entirely different. But that is small potatoes when compared to enjoying my wife for the past 40 years and counting. So . . . no . . . Ill keep it the same thank you!!!!

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

An innovator. Someone who can create or innovate something that benefits society and reap the rewards of your efforts. Join the league of extraordinary individuals who are making a difference in the world.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

A talented musician, i so admire those who can make music, classical music rather than rap I think!

Unmusical Richie x

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

I think you would want to return as the queen of an island country. To be loved and revered by all of your subjects as you are here. So you can create a culture of love and freedom of expression. You can develop an erotic culture filled with music, dance and volumes of relevant literature.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

Ok, not much interest for this topic as far as I can see, only a couple of disclosures and one reply to the question what I would like to be in my next life. So nobody wants a present from me.

Queen of an island country? Hm, that's interesting. But a nude queen, that's a must. It would be easy to rule the country, my brain remains functional when I'm naked, most men's brain doesn't. I think I would be able to negotiate good trade arrangements for my country wearing only my sceptre, crown, heels and exotic perfume. Plus, I would be one of only a few world leaders whose subjects (well, at least half of them) would really like to see their leader, in person or on TV. Even with my bits covered by black stripes on CNN, I think I could have an impact on US Congressmen when I would pledge, tears pourring down to my chest, that the US Navy does not occupy my happy little island.

But no, I would like to be something quite simple, not too difficult to achieve and not without connection with my (real or imagined) talents.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

Ok, not much interest for this topic as far as I can see, only a couple of disclosures and one reply to the question what I would like to be in my next life. So nobody wants a present from me.Queen of an island country? Hm, that's interesting. But a nude queen, that's a must. It would be easy to rule the country, my brain remains functional when I'm naked, most men's brain doesn't. I think I would be able to negotiate good trade arrangements for my country wearing only my sceptre, crown, heels and exotic perfume. Plus, I would be one of only a few world leaders whose subjects (well, at least half of them) would really like to see their leader, in person or on TV. Even with my bits covered by black stripes on CNN, I think I could have an impact on US Congressmen when I would pledge, tears pourring down to my chest, that the US Navy does not occupy my happy little island.But no, I would like to be something quite simple, not too difficult to achieve and not without connection with my (real or imagined) talents.

OK, I'm to guess what you'd like to come back as...!? if its that easy, perhaps you can achieve while you're still here rather than wait for your next visit?
Anywho, hmmm... something naked, that goes without saying, something quite simple, hmmm

Not the naked photographer route, you've said that has lost its lustre, not a nude fembot, that's not achievable and just silly, hmm

A naked negotiator! Seems to tick the boxes, it's naked, tick, it's something you enjoy today, tick, it would be achievable, tick.... tick, tick, naked tick.

Ticking Richie x

PS. Mine was the naked talented musician, though I'm now worried my brain won't work when I'm naked as you say, hopefully the talent would be instinctive therfore no need for 100% brain function to play while naked, there's the answer.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

I love your perception of your reign as queen. Thank you. I agree simple would be best though.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

And a present would have been such a pleasant reward...

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

In summary of my current life, I have had many outstanding and excellent adventures but most of them were a surprise to me. I like that and whatever my next life would be, I hope it is the same as that. Nevertheless, I would also like to know at a much younger age what has taken me 76 years to accumulate.

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RE:What would you like to be in your next life?

Ok, I'll tell you what I would like to be in my future life. It's boring, I know, but the answer is a psychologist. Not the kind who deals with bizarre people, but the empiric, experimental kind. In short, I'd like to imagine puzzles, dilemmas and various scenarios which I would then test on 100 persons each and derive conclusions and help answer the age-old question "why do intelligent people believe stupid things". So, yes, the kind of dilemmas and questions I tested on you here. Of course, I can't draw any conclusions from this site as the response rate is so low.

So boring, I know, but there is a silver lining. If any of these test involved a naked woman (and many, if not most probably would), I would be happy to cut costs and play that role....

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