New nudist ladies

I don't even remember how many ladies I converted to nudism the last couple of years. I have many friends and I am a good listener, so ladies have a tendency to trust me and like to spend time with me. I have also become very open about my nudism. It's not like I go around saying hi, I'm Flora and I'm a nudist, but I do put visiting German spas on top of the list when asked what I do on weekends.

And most of my new recruits are around 30 yo. I do know that you guys like 16 yo girls, but to me a 30 yo woman is at the top of her beauty and as confident (at least about her body) as she will ever be.

I was very shy for a long time after being basically forced to take my kit off in front of strangers for the first time. I did like to bath and sunbath in the nude but would have preferred to not be seen by anybody but my man and was trying to minimise the time between getting up and being immersed in the water up to my neck.

Yet I think few sexy young (yes, 30 is young!) new nudist ladies are like that. I only have two friends who take their robe off at the very last moment when getting in a sauna or in a pool in a German spa. Most of my newly converted friends are still trying to find their limits and this often means pushing a bit the edge of the envelope.

I told you about Vero, who was very shy and quite complexed about her non-Barbie nether anatomy and then became so confident that now she doesn't even bring a robe in spas and uses the towel only to wipe off or sit on. When she visits us, she also had a tendency to take her kit off in the corridor, before even ringing our bell. It's less the case now in winter time, but in summer I once opened the door to see her very naturally chatting with my neighbour while wearing her dress in one hand. I only have one neighbour on the same floor, in fact a middle aged family but the lady is not very friendly. The guy is, but no, we had never discussed about nudism and as far as I know he has never seen me naked. I asked her how he had reacted when seeing her nude and she said "Fine, I gave him a big smile and said Hello, I'm Vero and I'm a nudist, but if this bothers you I'll put my dress back on. He insisted that I didn't have to, he was ok".

I told the story of our New year's party at my place. We were seven girls and four guys, all except us new converts, and I somehow expected that one dress or two may pop up at a certain moment but I did not expect that all seven of us would do so outside, on the terrace, at midnight when everybody was on their balconies or terraces. And that none of us would be wearing any undies, which kind of indicates we had thought of the possibility (yes, two of us were wearing dresses which look better without panties, but let's face it, you do have those borderless panties if panties are your thing). I also did not expect that dresses would never be put back on until 4 am, when the guests left my apartment wearing the said evening dresses in purses or pockets, while the ladies only covered themselves with their winter coats.

Then, during the winter break, we spent ten days in the South, in a non nudist place but where a wild, clothing optional beach was close, and I converted two young British couples to nudism. Well, in fact only one guy was purely British, the other 3 had Slavic origin. The girls were also around 30, sexy, educated, sophisticated and quite rich. A very thin blonde and a sexy brunette. And yes, both girls started to push the nudist enveloppe. On the beach, they agreed that we had to be very thorough with putting sunscreen on, but with two conditions: we should never put it on our own body or on the body of our partner. And then a bit of alcohol helping, they did engage in quite a few nudist dares. It was not Amber-like nonchalant city nudism, but a few flashings and dresses were always ready to pop up for a short photo op in incongruous places. In these latter cases, we usually tried - but not always succeeded - to not have an audience and yes, I also had to take the challenge a couple of times, although I really am not an exhibitionist and I don't want to shock or upset innocent civilians with my nudity. But that could be the subject of a different topic if there is interest.

So let's say I know (converted) around 15 young sexy new nudist women. Of whom 3 (myself included) remained quite shy and conservative for a long time. The others actually enjoyed it and went the extra mile to find out what they are and are not comfortable with in terms of nudity. What about the guys? I do know two who declared that they don't like nudism. But I think they are the odd ones out. All the other guys I ever mentioned to the issue of nudism seemed quite tempted by the experience and basically volunteered to be trained into it. And the partners of the ladies whom I converted seemed to enjoy the experience, including when their partner dared to expose more skin than usual in various circumstances which are not typically associated with naturism.

And you guys? (Because few ladies actually take part in discussions). If you are here you likely do like nudism. But do/would you like your (actual or potential) partner to be very desinvolt about her nudity, including in sexy contexts?

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RE:New nudist ladies

Thank you for a great topic Chief Mod-Flora !

You certainly seem to have a way with you... to be able to convert lady-folk to nudism, I would think that conversion would be way easier with the men than ladies.

In many a nudist situation, you know the men outnumber the ladies by many to one, so it's great to see that you're trying to rebalanced the nudist scales with your dedicated conversions! Please do continue, and should any of your new nudist friends, at a tender 30 years, wish to share their elegance with the group here, of course please do!

Junior Mod-Richie x

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RE:New nudist ladies

To be somewhat direct, my wife is continuing her nudist journey, albeit slowly. And that is just fine with me. We are somewhat regulars at our resort / camp and enjoy our time there. She is nude as comfortable but has grown quite fond of our skinny dipping time and accompanying sunning. We will press on and enjoy ourselves. Everyone is different and that is fine by me.

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RE:New nudist ladies

The wife and I have always wanted to learn more about being nudists. It started out in our 30s. She has no issues with taking her clothes off any where now. And she is the one to ask others about what they think about being a nudist.
We are not in our 30s anymore. But still enjoy being naked with others. And hopefully teaching others on trying something different and free.

Thank you F for helping those people to understand what can happen if they just believe in themselves

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RE:New nudist ladies

Well first I've never converted anyone to nudism but I have introduced a few to it or facilitated their giving it a shot.
Given my age, physical appearance, etc. approaching a lady about the subject is way beyond dicey and into creepy.
Saying that though the subject has come up at establishments either by a lady making an off hand comment or because I wear ball caps and t shirts with our local lake's name on them. I honestly wouldn't know how to talk to a Young (under 30) lady about the subject but when I do with other ladies I stress that its ok to Not want to try Our Thing, most people won't. But if they're curious about trying ill pass a free visit card. When they say they couldn't because some part of their anatomy isn't "perfect" I chuckle a bit and point at myself. We're all capable of be perfect inside where it matters.

What's allowed a couple to "dip their toes" are after dark bonfires with someone they know in attendance.

Oh, and when they mention they thought the lake was orgy central I really laugh, pointing again at myself and say... Seriously???? LOL

Ladies, if you have a friend that you even think might try it, maybe as a bucket list item, do them a favor and discuss it with them.

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RE:New nudist ladies

Although I appreciate all female nudes, I am especially encouraged when I see women closer to my age group (Im in my mid-70s), because people well-fermented are like fine wine, comfortable in their own skin, and thus affirming me to be comfortable in mine. Flora, I will never be a spokesperson like you to convert young or old people to try nudism; I am much too much of an introvert for that, live in some very conservative places and have a stroke-induced speech deficit for that, but I really admire the female well-seasoned members of ENL who post their pictures in the all-together. They are saying they too are beautiful, desirable, and, like me, they aint dead yet. This should not be a competition. I hope, instead, this is a celebration of life. They glow.

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RE:New nudist ladies

I do discuss the topic with people, and love to with mature women I trust not to freak out. I am 71 as our profile states, and I am not like Twiggy. Young women; I dont know many who are not already nudists. Social nudity is freeing, confidence-building, hence rewarding. I just love it! Frogett aka Mary Anne

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RE:New nudist ladies

It is a delicate line to keep track of. Finding another nudist you mesh with relatively close by has been challenging. I am always careful who I interact with regarding nudity. Flora, you have an advantage being female. I would never willingly try to breach the subject with a 30-year-old female who I was not absolutely sure was already a nudist.
Approaching someone who has never tried it is always a gamble.
I did introduce myself as a nudist to a female employee who is close to my age, in our 60s. After weeks of joking around and telling her that I work naked on Fridays, which she always just laughed at and went about her work. One day I decided to jump across the line. I stripped one day and went about my work. About ten minutes later, she finally realized that I was naked. Surprised she replied, "I didn't think you were serious about that."
I told her that I was a nudist and that if it bothered her, I would get dressed. She looked over me, standing just feet away, and said, "No, It doesn't bother me at all. I've never worked with a nude man."
I tried this only after I knew her and felt that it might be ok. She has since asked if she might accompany me on my next trip to the local resort so she could see what it was like to be around others.
So, have I tried to convert someone? No. Have I influenced someone? Maybe
Others who just like being nude are often no issue as I have found. Nudity does have its other sides, exhibitionism and the ones who are out just for excitement.

I still work naked on Fridays, she still doesn't mind.

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RE:New nudist ladies

The limit between nudity and textile is a bit blurred in Germany as all saunas are coed and nude. Yes, technically one can have two towels, wrap up in one and lay the other one under you but hardly anyone does that. Yes, some spas offer women-only days but if you want to join me to a nice spa it's not gonna be one of those days.

So when you review for friends a spa and mention the sauna, people will not necessarily think that you are a nudist but will know that you don't mind being nude in front of others. And many (most men and some women) will be curious and offer to join you next time. And I never refuse women who want to try out.

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RE:New nudist ladies

This may seem odd, but am less embarrassed about being naked outside of a sauna than in one. My first experience in a sauna or banya as they are commonly called in Alaska, was at the Alaska State Troopers Academy more than 40 years ago. I liked the hot tub they had there, but I felt like a human baking potato in the banya. Perhaps it comes from growing up in the hot, humid southeastern US without air conditioning. You can always put more clothes on when you are cold, but you can only take so many clothes off when it is hot and especially when it is hot and humid. So splashing hot rocks with water just to make it more humid begs the question Why? Even living in Alaska now, I am seldom truly cold. Different strokes.

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RE:New nudist ladies

Sauna, or banya as Russians and Alaskans call it, is an acquired taste. Do I like it? Within limits. I like when I come out of it and dip in ice-cold water and I basically sizzle and I don't even feel the cold. Do I think it's healthy? Yeah. Mostly. Like I think not drinking alcohol is healthy. Do I not drink alcohol? Nope.

My last sauna was on Sunday. We (D and I) had already spent almost 20 min on the highest step so we were kinda done. But the Aufguss started. I went to a lower level (it makes a huge difference) but D decided to brave it up there. The first 3-4 min of the Aufguss they open a bit the door so it's more breathable. It was not a great Aufguss but it was a three bucket one so it lasted for 15 min and that was looooong... We had spent almost 40 min inside, my personal best, when we got out. There were maybe 200 persons in a sauna made for 50 and I was squeezed between two fat guys (really squeezed, knee to shoulder, I avoided raising my arms when the towel was waved at me to not slap the two guys next to me in the face with my boobs). At a point I thought I might faint but I didn't.

That being said, I had seen my doctor the same day for a bad cough and wheezing. She heard a bad sound in my lungs, maybe a bronchitis, maybe a pneumonia, but she didn't give me any antibiotics (they do badly undermedicate in France) and asked me to come back after a week to see if I need antibiotics.

The next day I was not coughing at all. Post hoc, ergo proper hoc. Not sure it was the sauna, but I always have one when I'm a bit ill and it seems to work.

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