A shared vision for ENL group

As your newest moderator for the group [falls silent to a smattering of applause] I share Flora's and Jeanne's original vision for this group, I realise I'm really kind of the wrong gender for moderating a Ladies group, I hope you forgive this and trust I will enliven my feminine side to ensure I continue to help moderate the group in the spirit it is meant.

Longer term members will know, we have a 3 week rule, that means that new members are expected to get involved within 3 weeks, else you will be shown the exit door.

Getting involved means, contributing to topics, liking and/or commenting on photo posts, posting photos (but only of ladies, any posting of males, unless in the company of an Elegant Lady, will be removed as will the member posting will also be removed, no appeal, no trial, just exit).

I'd encourage you to be active, that doesn't mean every day... but we do expect some engagement from our membership, I'd also encourage you to spread the word to your lady friends to apply to join, a select number of gentlemen will be permitted too.

I hope to continue to support the group to the best of my ability.

Mod-Richie x

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RE:A shared vision for ENL group

Go get them Champ! I'm tired of policing the group and being the bad gal who kicks innocent (and inactive) members out.

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RE:A shared vision for ENL group

I believe its the intelligent thing to do. Who needs excess ballast? Go Richie!!

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RE:A shared vision for ENL group

Hay this is a special group !

Be proud of what you have achieved here. I wish the mods stayed away from a private group like this. But we know that will not happen. Lol. But maybe you have a chance to ask questions from the male side to the female side. Or even things of interest for everyone.

I can see that its important to contribute to this group. It does help out understanding who is here.

Thank you again for all your help here. Most of the time its a thankless task. But it is for the betterment of us all

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