RE:Ever had a random roomie complain?

I had a roomie while in the Navy and our ship was in dry dock. He didn't complain but slept in whitey tighties. Onboard ship I had close to 30 roomies in the berthing compartment and though there was some complaining at first, it subsided quicker than I thought it would.On the fire department, it was well known that I was a nudist. We slept in a dorm style room, I always slept nude and I routinely got up in the middle of the night to go to the head or across the way to the kitchen for water. No complaints because most everyone on the fire department was ex military.We were deployed to fight major fires out of the county or state and when that happened, they'd put us up in motels/hotels going and coming back. We had roomies then and I usually roomed with someone that was well aware of my nudist life and didn't mind me sleeping nude, even if he didn't. I did room with a couple of friends that initially made jokes and slightly complained about my sleeping nude and saying, "don't do that on this trip." I did anyway and they really didn't care.Were there any female firefighters at the station?If so, did they have separate sleeping quarters?

Yes, our department had a couple dozen female firefighters by the time I retired. Several of them came to work for me on my shift. They continued to return because they enjoyed working with me. There was only a separate sleeping quarters for Captains. The others slept in a dorm room.

Right after the shift started, if I hadn't worked with any of the female firefighters prior, I took them into my office, and we had a talk. I asked if they'd heard anything about me that they'd like clarified or might be concerned about. Each one of them mention my nudity in the station and wanted clarification. They weren't worried about it as much as wanted to know where, when and how much they would be exposed to it. Afterwards, they all said, they felt better about it and thanked me for being so honest and candid.

As far as where, I told them, in the locker room, head and my dorm. When? Only after they had cleared the locker room/head. At night in my private dorm and possibly in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. How much? Only those times and would do all I could NOT to expose them to my nudity. Even so, one female firefighter that worked with me several times, did walk in on me naked in the locker room but said she was not bothered and apologized. She returned to work with me many times afterwards. Though she'd not seen me naked again, she still regretted not being a paramedic so she could work with me permanently.

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RE:Ever had a random roomie complain?

Yes, our department had a couple dozen female firefighters by the time I retired. Several of them came to work for me on my shift. They continued to return because they enjoyed working with me. There was only a separate sleeping quarters for Captains. The others slept in a dorm room.

Then everyone else either had to wear something in bed or be very discreet?

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RE:Ever had a random roomie complain?

Yes, our department had a couple dozen female firefighters by the time I retired. Several of them came to work for me on my shift. They continued to return because they enjoyed working with me. There was only a separate sleeping quarters for Captains. The others slept in a dorm room.Then everyone else either had to wear something in bed or be very discreet?

In our station, there were 5 people per shift. The dorm room was comprised of 8 beds separated by a 5 ft wall/partition. If a female firefighter was going to work with us, she was given a bed up near the head/shower door. If any of the others wanted to sleep nude, they could with her in this cubicle. There were only a few other guys that did. The department did have a sleepwear policy of shorts for men and shorts and t shirt for women. Most guys I knew and worked with just wore their underwear, even when the females worked with us.

During my conversations with the females that worked with me, a few admitted that they slept nude at home but wouldn't at the fire house because others might get the wrong idea. They thought I was brave to not only sleep nude but go from dorm room to head nude, down the kitchen for water and admit to everyone that I did that and was a nudist. I didn't see it as brave. We lived a minimum of 1/3 of our lives every year at the fire house. It was an extension of my home, so I lived like it was, whenever I could.

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RE:Ever had a random roomie complain?

Didn't think about cubicles that would provide some privacy.
One time when I went on a family scout trip when some of the scouts' mothers or sisters were there, we all slept in one big open room and were told we had to wear shorts at all times. I did as commanded, but my shorts were fairly short, and someone accused me of being in my underwear!

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RE:Ever had a random roomie complain?

I was fortunate that my random roommate for a few days said it first. We both were comfortable the entire business trip. The next year we both requested each other as a roommate for the same trip. Phoenix was not the place to have clothes on due to the temp.
My first time this happened though, was long ago. Was working in Kansas City, for a convention. The random roommate I had also said it first. I agreed as well. We would often hang naked after work and till the next day.

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