RE: My Daily Jokes

This joke was brought to you Courtesy of, ......1cool1. hehe.

RNNR Alfred Young Jock McTavish from Glasgow went to study at a university in England and was living in the hall of residence.
After a week his mother rang him. "How do you get along with the other students, Jock?" she asked. "Well," he replied, "they are terribly noisy people. The one on one side keeps banging his head on the wall. The one on the other side screams all night." "Oh Jock!" said his mother. "How do you manage to put up with such noisy neighbours?"
"I don't do anything. I just sit here quietly, playing my bagpipes!"

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New blonde joke

So funny -new blonde joke

A Blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says
"Two Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident".
The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing "That's horrible!!! So
many men dying that way!"
Confused, he says, "Yes dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and
there is always that risk involved."
After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "How many is a

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RE: New blonde joke

So funny -new blonde joke A Blonde is watching the news with her husband when the newscaster says "Two Brazilian men die in a skydiving accident". The blonde starts crying to her husband, sobbing "That's horrible!!! So many men dying that way!" Confused, he says, "Yes dear, it is sad, but they were skydiving, and there is always that risk involved." After a few minutes, the blonde, still sobbing, says, "How many is a Brazilian"?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I didn't get it for about a minute, had to read it three times, then suddenly, the penny dropped! hahaha, thanks Tom! good one!

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RE: New blonde joke


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RE: New blonde joke

HAHAHAHA....Phil, are you sure you're not a naturally born blond?

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RE: New blonde joke

Two cannibals were sitting around a fire one evening sharpening there knives when the second canibal asks the first why he was looking sick. 1st cannibal replied, "I haven't been feeling good the last couple of days." 2nd cannibal, "Do you think it might have been something you ate?" 1st cannibal, "No, I don't think so, although I did eat an old priest the other day.....I haven't felt good since." 2nd cannibal, "Well, how did you cook him?" 1st cannibal, "Well, I boiled him as usual." 2nd cannibal, "describe him to me." 1st cannibal, "well, he was short, plump, had on a brown robe, and a balding spot in the back of his head." 2nd cannibal, "ah hah, now that was your problem! You cooked him wrong. He wasn't a priest, he was a fryer!" I know a little corny, but I got a good laugh the first time I heard it.

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RE: New blonde joke

HAHAHAHA....Phil, are you sure you're not a naturally born blond?
Grey would probably be nearer the mark, but the end result is most likely the same :)

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my daily jokes

Little Ralphie had a very dirty mind and the teacher did not like to call on him in class. One day she was going over the alphabet and asked if anyone in the class could give her a word that began with the letter A and then use it in a sentence. Many of the students, including Ralph, raised their hands. The teacher thought to herself and knowing a some dirty words that began with the letter A called on one of the other students. "Mary can you give me word beginning with A?" she asked.

Mary relied "A, Apple, Today my mother gave me an apple"

The teacher replied that that was very good and then asked for the letter B

Again a number of students (including Ralph) waved their hands. The teacher thinking of dirty words beginning with B called on Frankie who replied "B, Boat, Last weekend my father took me out on a Boat"

The teacher replied that that was very good and then asked for the letter C

This continued to until she got to the letter R. By then she had called on most of the class members except Ralphie who was still waving madly after each letter.

The teacher thought and could not come up with a dirty word beginning with R and thinking it would be then safe called on Ralphie.

Ralphie stood up and replied "R, Rat, Yesterday I saw this big f***ing rat"

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RE: Daily Joke

Have you seen this? my first reaction was ........Oooooooooo! that's not really appropriate for the gallery. But then I thought, it's not occurred to me before, but it must be true, and it might warn off a few women and save them some pain, though I'm sure that it would occur to the more well endowed, before they jumped. You have gotta laugh, but it's horrible really.


Since the site changes, this link now goes to the wrong pic. It should have gone to a cartoon of a well endowled female nudist, bungee jumping. I'm sure you can imaging the sceen! :)

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RE: Daily Joke

Have you seen this? my first reaction was ........Oooooooooo! that's not really appropriate for the gallery. But then I thought, it's not occurred to me before, but it must be true, and it might warn off a few women and save them some pain, though I'm sure that it would occur to the more well endowed, before they jumped. You have gotta laugh, but it's horrible really. Phil.

LOL!!!! (and all this time, I thought it was my fear of heights and thoughts of imminent death that kept me away from bungees) Okay, need to go put a sports bra on now, the twins are feeling sore after looking at that!


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